
Shrug, or point at the ref and say "S'up to him" have been my main go-to's so far!

Very occasionally you'll have a referee who will make a point of letting his bench-side AR know via hand gestures or coming over at a convenient stoppage, but it's not a high-priority thing for them to do. I did 3 matches as senior AR in quick succession with a referee who I know likes to do this, I still only got the signal at the end of 4 out 6 halves, because he had better things to worry about for the other two.

Depends how well behaved they have been, how helpful I am Graeme - yes I have used the 'No idea mate, up to him' line after 90' of whinging followed by this question! :p
The Referee Store
On the line, no electronic communication at my level, manager asks and I will answer '5 of the 90', what bugs me is when they ask 'How much will be added?"

I try to be helpful if there has been an obviously long stoppage for an injury, by reminding them of it, but otherwise what else can you say?
Just put your fingers to your ear (VAR style), listen intently and then say, he's still making up his mind ... by the time the manager has worked out what's (not) going on you'll have probably moved away :)

Very similar to my personal favourite on goal line decisions in Sunday League matches, which is to look at my watch, shake my head and then run away leaving players scratching their heads :D