To Quick!

Nick Dawson

New Member
Was on a contrib game last night as an assistant referee.

In about the 75th minute a reckless tackle in the centre circle by an away player the ref gives a free kick and pulls the yellow card out of his pocket very quickly.
Then what happened the away team player kicks out at the home team player on the floor. The ref tried his best to sneak his yellow card back into his side pocket but everyone had seen the yellow card in his hand.
He did sent the away team player off for violent conduct.

The asseor comes in after the game and asked the ref why he was so quick to pull the yellow card out. Why did he not wait until both players had got up off the floor and then take his time to deal with that incident.

This will make you laugh, the refs answer was. `Well I have watched Chris Foy pull his yellow card out like that, thought I would give it a go.
Asseor- But you are not Chris Foy so don`t try to referee like him.
A&H International
why not a yellow for the first incident then a straight red after for the second offence, that's what i would of done
Two fouls committed by the same player - you are supposed to punish the worst one aren't you? I may be wrong.

Trying to picture the scene in my head, and put myself in the situation, I think I would still have pocketed the yellow and pulled a straight red for the kick. Showing the yellow would only serve to confuse and infuriate as it may look like the kick had been yellowed.

This is why I don't carry a 'quick yellow' in the side pocket, if I am going to book someone, the card comes out of the shirt pocket with the notebook. Give myself time to assess properly before cautioning.
If using a quick-fire-card, it is vital to assess the correct time, i.e to diffuse a situation or to get the game going quickly. Obviously he judged wrong in that situation!
10/10 for the excuss- but for me quick cards can lead to all sorts of trouble - i was always taught to take your time and evaluate before any action is taken - at the end of the day we are the offical time keepers so there is no rush..
10/10 for the excuss- but for me quick cards can lead to all sorts of trouble - i was always taught to take your time and evaluate before any action is taken - at the end of the day we are the offical time keepers so there is no rush..

100% agree with you Darren the ref should had took a step back and watched what happened then took his time to give the correct discipline.
Have to say the ref is a level 3 and is a very close friend to me so he has not heard the last of this yet!
This may or may not have happened to me in the past :rolleyes:

Similar incident, reached for the quick yellow, only for the offending player to spit at the guy on the floor.

Player got sent off obviously, managed to sell it by claiming I'd got te wrong pocket, luckily my note book was in my other short pocket, no idea why it was there, as it was normally in my shirt pocket. So glad it was, as got me out of a sticky situation
i dont mean to question people of much higher level who know much better than me, but... ( ;) ) why do referees bother with quick yellows?

i've never felt that getting a card out quickly sorts out a violent reaction. especially no more than blowing strongly and summoning the player quickly does. from personal experience, games iv been involved in where it has 'kicked off' would not have been prevented by the ref getting a quick yellow/red out, and in fact a quick red would most likely cause a reaction from the offending player? what do you guys think?

iv always been sceptical of the effect of quickly booking a player- but perhaps at higher levels of the game this can work, when people are more concerned with winning than kicking opponents?
I agree with you Gaz I don`t know why some referees do it.
I personally think you need to have a few seconds thinking time just to make sure you don`t do anything silly.
You can also kill the game if you need to by taking your time to stop any thing else silly happening.
Well as rushing could lead to another incident as players have not had any time to calm down.
I have never tried a quick yellow card and after watching it back fire to a mate I will never try it.
Two fouls committed by the same player - you are supposed to punish the worst one aren't you? I may be wrong.

I too am not sure, but think it may be if two fouls are committed by the same player simultaneously. In this case, he's already shown the yellow - Complete the caution, then further enrage player by showing the red for VC.
I too am not sure, but think it may be if two fouls are committed by the same player simultaneously. In this case, he's already shown the yellow - Complete the caution, then further enrage player by showing the red for VC.

You would show straight Red Card as when two fouls are committed simultaneously you punish the worse. :)
You would show straight Red Card as when two fouls are committed simultaneously you punish the worse. :)

The fouls are not simultaneous though... You've already stopped play and have began the process of issuing a caution before the player is spat at. In this situation, if I was being assessed, I would complete the caution, and then show a straight red card... Since it would seem rather silly to abandon a caution whilst in the middle of it... Plus, surely it's a higher fine for the player for getting a YC and then a straight red? ;)
I see what youre saying, but in my opinion its a straight red card because you haven't finished issueing the caution yet and therefore it is still part of the same incident.

e.g. if someone committed a reckless challenge and then punched someone, you wouldn't bother with the YC before you issued a red. similarly, if a player had already been booked, and then committed a reckless tackle, before punching someone, you wouldn't issue a second yellow then a red as this just starts to become confusing.

if you issue a caution before a straight red you risk confusing everybody, and the whole purpose of the yellow and red cards are to make clear to everyone what the decision was in the first place... ;)