Tottenham vs Man City (offside goals)


Well-Known Member
5 goals, three of them offside - though to be fair, only two of them were, you would think, unmissable.

What's going on there then?
A&H International
Disclosure - I'm a Tottenham supporter and a big believer in Mark Clattenburg's abilities.

Despite our amazing win yesterday, thought he and his team had a very disappointing game. The two missed offsides were extremely poor (the third as you say was marginal). though City had a simple opportunity to clear the ball post the offside and prior to our first goal.

Given that Clatt's is one of our stand out performers, I do wonder whether he needs an (even) stronger team around him. Though even he let himself down yesterday for not showing Demichelis a second yellow for a clear 'professional' foul.

Still, at least the result put a smile on my face when I watched it after a horrible evening at Twickenham ... :eek:
The 2 offsides in the second half ? .....if I had watched that back if I was on the line I would be banging my head off the wall ...and that's for a payment of £17 ......bad day at the office for the lino ....im sure he wont be happy with either of them ......Walker was 3 yards off

Pretty poor ....at that level
On the Demichelis incident I thought that was excellent refereeing. The player knows for sure now that the next one is shower time. I've never been a believer in the idea that once a player is on a yellow he/she "has to go!" on the next infringement. A final warning can be an excellent tool for game management.

Nothing to add for the others!
@Tealeaf , I'm in no way advocating that a player already on a caution 'has to go for the next infringement'. It needs to be another yellow card offense and a clear cut one at that. It's just my opinion that in this case, Demichelis was clearly breaking up a promising attack and it was a nailed on yellow.
Would you not be lenient if the first yellow had been for protesting an awful decision by your assistant (especially if you thought he had got it wrong)? And not as bad as the mere yellow Lamela got for going over the top on Kolarov. And I'm definitely miffed about those offsides (and about City's generally bad defending...).
After last week's rant by Garth Crooks about Mike Dean, I wonder what he thought of Mark Clattenburg's decision not to show a 2nd yellow card to Demichelis?
@Tealeaf , I'm in no way advocating that a player already on a caution 'has to go for the next infringement'. It needs to be another yellow card offense and a clear cut one at that. It's just my opinion that in this case, Demichelis was clearly breaking up a promising attack and it was a nailed on yellow.

Understood, but more a general opinion. So many times I hear "he's got to go" when a player has already been cautioned, just for me it's not always been that clear cut. Sometimes the severity of the foul is such that it does indeed warrant it. Other times not.
Would you not be lenient if the first yellow had been for protesting an awful decision by your assistant (especially if you thought he had got it wrong)? And not as bad as the mere yellow Lamela got for going over the top on Kolarov. And I'm definitely miffed about those offsides (and about City's generally bad defending...).

That doesn't excuse it for me, Demi was completely out of order at half time.

The offsides were very poor decisions, less so the City one, which was very tight. Having said that, it doesn't excuse the quality of defending and goalkeeping on Saturday. I'm far angrier about that than the offsides!
I'd like to think that already being on a yellow has no bearing on any potential second yellow. After the first yellow the slate is clean, as far as I'm concerned, and the offence should be judged on its own (de)merits.

In an ideal world, of course. ;-)

Just watched another offside shocker: the disallowed Arnautovic goal (Stoke vs Villa). Lino's a good 2 or 3 yards behind the last defender. Even at the crappy level I referee at I'd be gutted if I allowed myself to be that out of position in such a crucial moment.
Two bad uns at the Etihad too. Newcastle's "second goal" wasn't offside (I was pleased as my son and I sit next to each other and he thought he was on, I didn't) and then a more obvious offside not given (Hart saved).
And it seems yet another awful one today v Bournemouth. As it was City's 6th that was disallowed it may not get much attention, but (without yet seeing it on TV) it looked another inexplicable one. If attacker and defender are going in different directions they can be several feet apart in a fraction of a second, but this was bread and butter stuff.