Tournament first for me.............


U11 tournament match Reds vs Blues, Red gets tackled from behind about to blow for the foul and Red jumps up and says "you want a piece of me!" and tried to punch the blue player in the mouth, if it wasn't for the player taking half a step back he would have connected, and the red player tried to punch him again. I was blowing the whistle and advancing some 8 yards towards them, the red player backed off and i called him over. i took my book out and asked his name and recorded his number, and explained why i was sending him off to which he burst out crying and said " But i didn't touch him" His manager shouted " you can't send a player off in a tournament at this age"
He then found out i could, and i did.
A&H International
His fists were clenched, the anger in his face (no exaggeration here) ompah lumpah on steriods, but as soon as he heard the whistle blowing it all disappeared and as i called him over the flood gates opened, and made not a bit of difference as he was going to walk no matter what.
I had an interesting one last Saturday afternoon at a tournament (just to contrast the above). U14's. Player goes in on a tackle - nice and clean, but tackled player goes over. My head turns to follow the ball, and as I've done that I hear a boot on shinpad type sound followed by shouts from both sets of coaches (on opposite sides of the [mini-soccer] pitch), followed by both managers running on to the FOP. I turn around, and nothing untoward happening - other than the coaches storming down. I politely but firmly instruct them to leave the pitch - I will sort it out. Accusations flying about the tackled player having taken a swipe at the other player, and the tackled player looking sheepish. I get him isolated, and then give him a loud, public rebuke. I didn't see what happened, so couldn't take any action - which I let him know. Restarted with an uncontested drop ball. After the game speak with the manager of the player who had been [alleged to have been] kicked, and explained that I hadn't seen it. "No worries ref, I understand, well handled". Why can't they all be like that?

PS/ One of the most enjoyable tournaments I've taken part in, not a single abusive comment from the sidelines, the lads all wanted to play football, sometimes physical but all within the bounds of fair play. It sort of gives you your mojo back - looking back and having seen lots of teenagers enjoying themselves in the sun playing sport without any undercurrent of grief.
PS/ One of the most enjoyable tournaments I've taken part in, not a single abusive comment from the sidelines, the lads all wanted to play football, sometimes physical but all within the bounds of fair play. It sort of gives you your mojo back - looking back and having seen lots of teenagers enjoying themselves in the sun playing sport without any undercurrent of grief.

@xPositor that bit about getting your mojo back... its a running theme throughout many many threads here.... people dont realise that referees are constantly questioning their reasons for doing this job. its only recently that ive become 'enlightened' and appreciate what is being asked of a man (or woman) when they step in to officiate a game ... all it takes is to be treated like a human being for someone to want to keep coming back to it week in week out.
A few years ago at a mini soccer tournament I sent off two U8s for fighting - full on punches and kicks. Moans from the sidelines about can't send them off at that age, why not just substitute them etc. but as they both went off crying I am sure that they will remember that for a lot longer than they would remember being subbed off and hopefully that does impact their future actions on the football field. You've also got a duty to protect the other players as if a player has showed violent tendencies you could have child protection issues by allowing them to stay on / play the next game (IMO)