The Ref Stop


The Ref Stop
I did 3 adult games in one day

Surprisingly am not feeling too bad, but, not so sure about tomorrow morning...

Two on the bounce on Saturday, then another on Sunday.

Initially I was fine, but by the Friday just gone I was feeling it. Very delayed! I still went for this Saturday but I'm suffering for it now and unfortunately I have a game tomorrow...

I'm making it policy to refuse double-headers in the future, it just isn't healthy on my poor legs. :( Fair play to you for doing three on the bounce though...
I have done 3 in one day ( all senior youth) Fitness wise fine although in the last game in the second half I was mentally very tired. Wouldn't really want to do 3 in one day again.
I have done 3 in one day ( all senior youth) Fitness wise fine although in the last game in the second half I was mentally very tired. Wouldn't really want to do 3 in one day again.

Mentally sore yip!
Never say never, but, two is fine,

Although it does seem like I got my Tesco shopping for free
As a referee who runs a lot of multiple games. I do 4 plus a week, every other Saturday I work 4 in the middle. The mental aspect of this does not get spoken to about enough. I get the fact that some of us, including yours, truly may be able to physically run 3 or 4 games in a day. The mental aspect of it all does not get talked about as much as the physical part of it. I am mentally fried after 3, let alone physically tired and it should be noted, from my lowly experience that after 3 games in a day my mind is on par too, I tend to have the mentality of I I don't give a rats ass what you do on the pitch!. Which is not productive but sometimes it is all we have especially on my rock in the Pacific but not recommended.
Mentally yes, its tough, not bigging myself up at all but I cant see how a less experienced ref can give his all to three games, not saying it cant be done but, its a big ask
That said, i did a game last night, making it 4 in 36 hours and with 2 mins to go, I had my only real call to make, a simulation in the box, and as much as I am pleased i got the call right, what am more pleased with is where I was to call it

Would not thank you for a game today right enough !!!
Been quiet Paul, how the season going? 😭

Well, anything involving blue and white hoops has been an unmitigated disaster obviously!

Anything involving a black kit isn't straightforward - just been given 2 Bostick U18 fixtures - one clashes with said hoops and the other one with the ONE other U18 fixture I already have this month!

Otherwise great!;)
Well, anything involving blue and white hoops has been an unmitigated disaster obviously!

Anything involving a black kit isn't straightforward - just been given 2 Bostick U18 fixtures - one clashes with said hoops and the other one with the ONE other U18 fixture I already have this month!

Otherwise great!;)
Yes, I do recall predicting the fate of the Hoops with McNumnut at the helm ;)