Open Age Unsure whether I was too harsh..


Well-Known Member
Two minutes to go in OA game, losing team midfielder who had just been cautioned for C3 said 'oi lads the refs cheating us out of this' in a loud and public manner. I dismissed him for S6. My question is - should it have been a second caution or was I right in dismissing - he technically didn't call me a cheat but my initial reaction was that my integrity had been put into question.

What would refchat had done in this scenario?
A&H International
Having your integrity questioned is worse than being called useless or rubbish. Binned a player who blatantly accussed me of taking dirty money. His team yurned up with 10 players and were losing 4-0 at the time and it should of been more. Straight red. No hesitation. I think you got it right.
For me that is C2 but others on here will feel passionately that is is a clear S6. You are the referee, and if you think it was offensive, insulting, or absusive than I would support your decision.

1 out of 3 games I have someone saying something like “ref is wearing the opposition shirt” “there are two teams ref” etc. Depending if this is said to me as an accusation or if it’s said to rally his team decides which way I go (yellow or red).
Either for me, I would look at the given example in this way however....

You give a 2nd yellow (dissent) and I don't think anyone would have any issues with it
You give the straight red and you will have people going, oh maybe that should have been a yellow....
Hmm, on the one hand he’s used the cheat word, so I have no problems with a red for that.

Equally, as has been said above a second caution for C2 would also have been justified.

Incidentally, what was the re-action to the red card?
The reaction to the straight red wasn't much at all. Manager (who has a reputation for being a bit of a tit) had a bit of a moan up, player earned himself a misconduct. However, everybody else was in agreement with me. Looking back it would have made my job a lot easier to give a second yellow, then again I'd be leaving myself wide open to being last weeks ref! :p
Two minutes to go and it would have made your job easier? What the flipping check happened next!
Right decision by the way. Ticks all the right boxes for offinabus!
It all depends on how you want to manage the situation. There's a case for both a 2nd YC, and a straight RC!
If you want to give the player the opportunity to appeal, it's a straight red. If you wish the player to have no 'get out'
then a second YC. The most important thing is you dealt with it. The player left the FOP as he should have. The rest is all technical stuff! I wouldn't worry about being too harsh. Give yourself a pat on the back!!