Video technology

A&H International
This won't work in football - as soon as that happens the referee has undermined his authority and lost all credibility. On a more general note, I am against video technology in football as it will slow the game down - in rugby there are many breaks in play so this is implemented naturally however it simply would not work in football.
If making the correct decision undermines your authority and loses you all credibility \I'd be surprised.
Even if it did, getting a RC decision right is more important.
If it is on a big screen, it's not like anyone is going to argue?

I didn't do anything ref! You got the... Oh balls I am on the jumbo screen punching that guys in the face...
How would a referee communicate that they have changed the decision?


1) Andre Marriner famous sending off. If he's realised he's got the wrong player, does he just call Gibbs back apologise to him and send off The Ox instead?
2) If you've cautioned a player, and then send him off, does the first caution count?

Few things need ironing out, but of course the above could be solved quite easily.
I think there is still a decision to make: you can't put every single decision to the video screen. Fans will soon be moaning about suspect tackles not getting put through to the video ref. It won't make much of a difference to help us in my opinion. Like Southend-ref says it will slow the game down and every game will end up with a ridiculous amount of injury time. Also it's worth noting that many grounds do not have video screens to communicate to officials, players and fans alike. So is this just another innovation, like GLT, solely for the big European leagues and ignoring changes to the Laws which would help deal with what us lower down guys put up with week in week out? It's this idea of catering for the elite that puts me off technology in officiating.
The team would have a set number of challenges a match.
I'm flabbergasted you think this won't make much of a difference. The difference between teams at the top in the EPL and ECL is so small these days that referee decisions are regularly deciding the winners of these tournements.
I'd be surprised if an EPL ground couldn't fork out for a room with a tv for a 5th official to sit in.
Catering for elite? You mean like NARs, buzzer flags, microphones, 4th officials, 5th and 6th officials and allthese other things I don't have?
Getting the decision right in a World Cup Finals match is more important than making our lives easier.
Once we start talking about video technology, everyone seems to me to forget how on earth it would work for offside.

If AR puts flag up for offside as forward runs through, his manager can "challenge that decision", how do you restart in that scenario - you can't replicate the match situation again - where were all the players, where was the ball, the speed of the attacker and his teammates, the speed and location of all the defenders?

In that case the AR would never put flag up for all but the most obvious offsides and all others would have to be reviewed?

In lots of other scenarios ball does not always go out of play when something debatable is given, can't see how there can be challenges and reviews while ball is in play - would descend into farce in my opinion.
A 5th official will have access to a live feed of the match.
A club will have 1-3 challenges a match each. If you successfully overturn a decision you are reimbursed your challenge. If not, you lose it.

1) A 5th official can inform the referee of an act of VC at any time and, even if 30 mins have passed since the incident, the player will be sent off.
3) Any penalty that is awarded can be challenged. This challenge must take place before the penalty is given. A successful challenge results in a IFK to the defending side.
4) Offside calls that are given CANNOT be challenged
5) Any player that is cautioned can have his caution upgraded to a RC on the advice of the 5th official upto 5 mins after the caution.
6) Any straight red that is awarded can be challenged. This must happen before play is restarted. Cautions cannot be challenged.
7) Simulation can be brought to the referees attention at any time. The player will be cautioned no matter how much time has passed.
8) No player can be carded for something they did in the first half AFTER the start of the second half.

(Much rewording of the laws will be needed, especially the bit about the refs decision being final)

I am aware there is no way this could be implemented in one go. It would be chaos. I would start with the VC retrospective punishment for a trial season and see how we do. Bet it would eliminate off the ball VC overnight
The team would have a set number of challenges a match.
I'm flabbergasted you think this won't make much of a difference. The difference between teams at the top in the EPL and ECL is so small these days that referee decisions are regularly deciding the winners of these tournements.
I'd be surprised if an EPL ground couldn't fork out for a room with a tv for a 5th official to sit in.
Catering for elite? You mean like NARs, buzzer flags, microphones, 4th officials, 5th and 6th officials and allthese other things I don't have?
Getting the decision right in a World Cup Finals match is more important than making our lives easier.
I'm flabbergasted you think an entire league can be decided by (non-fixed) refereeing decisions! And yes of course the EPL clubs could. Why are they the only clubs getting help? All that technology and extra officials to help the top level of the game. Never mind the rest of us. I believe it is excessive and not needed for the farce, as PinnerPaul rightly put it, that would result from video technology.
A 5th official will have access to a live feed of the match.
A club will have 1-3 challenges a match each. If you successfully overturn a decision you are reimbursed your challenge. If not, you lose it.

1) A 5th official can inform the referee of an act of VC at any time and, even if 30 mins have passed since the incident, the player will be sent off.
3) Any penalty that is awarded can be challenged. This challenge must take place before the penalty is given. A successful challenge results in a IFK to the defending side.
4) Offside calls that are given CANNOT be challenged
5) Any player that is cautioned can have his caution upgraded to a RC on the advice of the 5th official upto 5 mins after the caution.
6) Any straight red that is awarded can be challenged. This must happen before play is restarted. Cautions cannot be challenged.
7) Simulation can be brought to the referees attention at any time. The player will be cautioned no matter how much time has passed.
8) No player can be carded for something they did in the first half AFTER the start of the second half.
Challenges is a good way to work it and it has worked in tennis. I have a massive problem with 5, can't have a more strict official upgrading an "orange" yellow to an "orange" red could create friction within refereeing teams. A lot of questions need answered before it is implemented in my opinion, where is this from?
Why are they the only clubs getting help? All that technology and extra officials to help the top level of the game. Never mind the rest of us..

errrr, because (and this may shock you) there's a lot more at stake in the EPL than there is in your Sunday League match.
Are you miked up in your matches? So you're already aware that technology is being used in levels higher than you referee in?

Are you really telling me referee decisions can't affect titles?
Are you one of those "the best team always wins the league" types?
I've seen Man City both win the EPL and be relegated from it based on incorrect decisions.
I've seen Liverpool, FC Porto and Barcelona win the ECL when the correct decisions would have seen them out.
I am not referee bashing. It's bound to happen. They get 95% of decisions right. I think technology can help get it upto 99%
Challenges is a good way to work it and it has worked in tennis. I have a massive problem with 5, can't have a more strict official upgrading an "orange" yellow to an "orange" red could create friction within refereeing teams. A lot of questions need answered before it is implemented in my opinion, where is this from?

This is just the ramblings from myself.
Certainly some of these might not work and a lot more thought will be neededthan I have given it.
But the VC one could be implemented tomorrow!
errrr, because (and this may shock you) there's a lot more at stake in the EPL than there is in your Sunday League match.
Are you miked up in your matches? So you're already aware that technology is being used in levels higher than you referee in?

Are you really telling me referee decisions can't affect titles?
Are you one of those "the best team always wins the league" types?
I've seen Man City both win the EPL and be relegated from it based on incorrect decisions.
I've seen Liverpool, FC Porto and Barcelona win the ECL when the correct decisions would have seen them out.
I am not referee bashing. It's bound to happen. They get 95% of decisions right. I think technology can help get it upto 99%
Yes I am aware of that. A lot more may be at stake but when it comes down to it no matter what competition it's eleven human beings against another eleven human beings. We should work to include everyone in improvements to officiating not just the Premier League and it's pals. I know that won't happen though I'm not daft. I am one of those types yes. Just differing opinions I suppose! I think over a 38 game season the deciding factor cannot be refereeing decisions. Think about defensive errors, missed one on ones...European Cup is slightly different but there's still 13 games played by the finalists of that competition so I'm still sceptical of that viewpoint. A valid one though

Violent conduct would definitely be eradicated in the most part with such technology. Just a lot of grey areas for me and it's difficult but if it does give us that extra 4% I suppose it's not a bad thing. I just look at the stuff rugby referees are able to do (sin bins or "go back 10 yards") and think if FIFA decided to put something like that in it would help us all massively without sending anyone off. Stuff like that is more important to me but I know it won't happen