Warming creams


The avuncular one
Okay, what do people use for warming areas or helping numb pain in muscles etc

I have been using deep heat on my hamstring areas before games which seems to work in warming them up ready for the running around warm up. :) seems great for when I have more than one game a weekend.

Any better suggestions?
A&H International
SOunds like a plan - heat for injuries and longer term damage, cold for instant impact injury.

stamped foot / hit ankle / sudden sprained wrist = cold

arthiritis / known muscle ache / pulled something and its getting better / old war wounds = warming to ease up.
I would strongly suggest you don't use heat cream for muscle pain

Yes it will help in the very short term but if you've done yourself an injury the heat will increase blood flow to the muscle and increase swelling and make your recovery time far longer

Use freeze spray. This stops the blood flowing to the muscle and will stop you getting DOMS almost 100% of the time. The best thing to do is cool the muscle. Heating if only aggitates it in the long run

Its great to use pre match to warm them up but certainly not for injuries to a muscle. Always use cold for this
Never make the mistake I did once of applying your deep heat then having a wee.

I bought the dvd. Deep heat on the giggleberries isn't big or clever. Neither is applying some to my calf muscles then rubbing my eye as it itched :eek::mad::cry::cry::cry:
I went down the chemical warm up route for a while. It worked short term but
in the long run there is NO substitute for a proper warm-up and a
and a bloody good stretch!!! Don't forget to cool down afterwards, and to stretch anything that's sore or troublesome!
I have ordered some tiger balm. A friend in work swears by it, so I will give it a try.
I bought the dvd. Deep heat on the giggleberries isn't big or clever. Neither is applying some to my calf muscles then rubbing my eye as it itched :eek::mad::cry::cry::cry:
is that a medical discription ross lol also heard about the time a player decided a slide tackle was a good idea on one of the first version plastic pitches, real mess of his thigh,physio comes on with a can of ralgex oops