The Ref Stop

Watching other ref ignore OFFINABUS


RefChat Addict
So, whilst waiting for another match to finish so I can start mine, I witnessed a referee give an offside decision to which the player turned, looked the ref dead in the eye and said "F*** you" with such venom that nothing but a red card would have been acceptable. My heart bloody sank as the ref did nothing....NOTHING!!!
He also failed to card for 2 acts of dissent I know he heard.
Would any of you say anything after the match. The ref could easily have been the same level as me but def wasn't a L4.
Is there any constructive way to say: "You're letting 10,000 referees down by ignoring that?"
Makes my blood boil. You can say what you want about me, I'm not fit enough, my positioning is too central, I'm bloody blind.... but I will never, EVER let someone speak to me like a piece of s**t when I have the tools do deal with it in my pockets. WHYWHYWHY do refs not use it?
The Ref Stop
Whilst it is clear the ref has let us all down as you say, there is nothing worse than another ref being critical of your performance.
While 100% a valid point, I think that one is a difficult one to approach.

How would you start the conversation without being confrontational?

How do you keep it constructive without appearing to criticise or preach?

Perhaps it would be better to speak to the refs sec of that league or RDA and mention that he might need some sort of refresher.

But then again still difficult to approach without looking like you're telling tales playground style.

A tough one, but definitely one that needs dealing with.
Perhaps you could have just had a friendly word after his game was over, asked him how it went.

As we know from here, tolerance towards player language varies enormously and perhaps, rightly or wrongly, he was just more tolerant than you.

For the rest, why not pose the same question to your referees dept at county f.a. and see what they would advise
When i was living in another part of the country (Berkshire) i used to take my sons over the local park to watch sunday football, i have seen a ref not do pitch inspection/no boot/jewellry check .Missed a blatant offside even the club linesman flagged and he over ruled him,my son who was nine at the time"Dad that was so offside".Didn't even caution a player for a violent tackle and not even a free kick.Not my place to say anything to him,this is the first time i've mentioned it but it just goes to prove there are some ref's not adhering to the LOAF.
I'd just say to.him in a very relaxed manner "that number 12 would be walking if he talked to me like that, what a ****er"

Let the ref think about himself and criticise himself. That way you're not telling him what to do

But yes I think all on here know its a pet peeve of mine. Especially when its justified with "what about match control"
When i was living in another part of the country (Berkshire) i used to take my sons over the local park to watch sunday football, i have seen a ref not do pitch inspection/no boot/jewellry check .Missed a blatant offside even the club linesman flagged and he over ruled him,my son who was nine at the time"Dad that was so offside".Didn't even caution a player for a violent tackle and not even a free kick.Not my place to say anything to him,this is the first time i've mentioned it but it just goes to prove there are some ref's not adhering to the LOAF.

But the offiside and tackle are both judgement calls so I have much more sympathy for these incidents.
However there are certain phrases that are not judgement calls. "F*** you" must be followed with a card of some sort. I admit the majority of time it is said in frustration and I will deem it as dissent. There is no circumstance whatsoever though that these words aimed at a referee should be "managed".
When i was living in another part of the country (Berkshire) i used to take my sons over the local park to watch sunday football, i have seen a ref not do pitch inspection/no boot/jewellry check .Missed a blatant offside even the club linesman flagged and he over ruled him,my son who was nine at the time"Dad that was so offside".Didn't even caution a player for a violent tackle and not even a free kick.Not my place to say anything to him,this is the first time i've mentioned it but it just goes to prove there are some ref's not adhering to the LOAF.

LOTG to be accurate.

I'm amazed in a thread about OFFINABUS that's what you've contributed! :D

To be honest not a lot to say really.....very tricky to raise it with the ref concerned....likewise telling the RDO is going to be unpopular.....

Not buying the claptrap spouted on here about his tolerance levels......just another excuse.

Just have to accept that there are colleagues out there who don't do the job properly.......yes it makes our life harder......but at least he is probably popular with the players.....
So, whilst waiting for another match to finish so I can start mine, I witnessed a referee give an offside decision to which the player turned, looked the ref dead in the eye and said "F*** you" with such venom that nothing but a red card would have been acceptable. My heart bloody sank as the ref did nothing....NOTHING!!!
He also failed to card for 2 acts of dissent I know he heard.
Would any of you say anything after the match. The ref could easily have been the same level as me but def wasn't a L4.
Is there any constructive way to say: "You're letting 10,000 referees down by ignoring that?"
Makes my blood boil. You can say what you want about me, I'm not fit enough, my positioning is too central, I'm bloody blind.... but I will never, EVER let someone speak to me like a piece of s**t when I have the tools do deal with it in my pockets. WHYWHYWHY do refs not use it?

I thought you allowed players to get away with everything in England. At least that is what it looks like when I watch the PL on TV here in Norway ;) I think the biggest problem when dealing with dissent is the examples being set at the top. It trickles down both to refs and players. Players expects to get away with berating the ref, and the ref takes the position that "I guess this is the life I chose and something I must accept"
Perhaps you could have just had a friendly word after his game was over, asked him how it went.

As we know from here, tolerance towards player language varies enormously and perhaps, rightly or wrongly, he was just more tolerant than you.

For the rest, why not pose the same question to your referees dept at county f.a. and see what they would advise
This is the way to approach the situation./\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

How did your game go? Listen and then at an opportune moment throw in ... I saw No. 12 shouting at you, what did he say? Oh well it sounded like xxxx off. If that had been me, I would have sent him off and then listen again. This referee might be scared of confrontation. he might have had a bad experience last week. It could be a whole host of reasons but listening and then offering a little advice, not berating or challenging or hassling him, might make him act differently next time.