Weird one


Everyone's Favourite Member
72nd minute of U18s, losing team are 5-1 down, one of their players gets smashed by a guy already on a yellow.

The team that were 5-1 up were already down to 9, they only started with 10 and I walked one for a second yellow already. Anyway, I blow the foul and am thinking about a second yellow and reducing the winning team to 8, when I'm surrounded by players telling me not to book him, I just finish shouting go away when I realize 5 of the players are from the team losing 5-1!

Decide to give the poor guy the benefit of the doubt and let him carry on, he wouldn't go near the ball for the rest of the match. Poor lad

After the recent discussion on using the captains here, I thought I'd add aswell... first guy I walked was the captain, 1st yellow for a foul, 2nd for dissent... then the second guy who almost got the walk was the guy who got the captains armband after his mate got sent off, funnily enough. Seems captains are among the worst offenders :eek:
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A&H International
This has happened to me before. If he should be sent off for a second caution, he should be sent off. Don't choose not send end him off because players (from either) team don't want you to, as it could come back to bite you later on (they can quickly become enemies and could quite easily bring this up - you need to be consistent)
Called match control.

On one hand, if the foul was earning of a YC then you shuld have regardless.

On the other hand, if there was any doubt, or you ahd obscured vision and can not be 100% then you can't.

How you sell it to yourself and how you sell it to others may be different.

A certain amount of "does the game need it" comes into every decision. I had a Pen last week - I saw it, the tackle was a foul and I blew up.

Did the fouled defender ask for it - no. Did the attacker think he'd fouled - no. I saw it, I sold it to myself, and the torn bootlace sold it to everyone else.

My match control suffered - but the assessor saw it, as did the two coaches and they made it known to their players.

So, you saw a foul, but were unsure so gave the foul that you saw, but not a YC.
ELP , Using the word......" smashed" .....in your description tells you all you need to know about the second yellow card but .....its very easy to sit here and tell you what you should have done ,
100% i bet you were driving home saying to yourself "he should have been gone "

Everyone on this site has probably turned a blind eye ....? may i say at some point :eek:

Maybe not when the players are telling you what you should do though ......your body language and whistle tone must have been saying RED to get that reaction ?:cry:
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He did smash him to be fair, and maybe it was deserving of a YC.

To be fair though, it was one of those that really should be a caution (looking back in hindsight), but I guess myself I was just thinking "they're already down to 9, nobody wants the guy to walk... why shoot myself"?
it was player shooting" himself" ELP not your issue really!! but i understand where your coming from .....until the next player gets Smashed in 75 th minute then what do you do ???
72nd minute of U18s, losing team are 5-1 down, one of their players gets smashed by a guy already on a yellow.

The team that were 5-1 up were already down to 9, they only started with 10 and I walked one for a second yellow already. Anyway, I blow the foul and am thinking about a second yellow and reducing the winning team to 8, when I'm surrounded by players telling me not to book him, I just finish shouting go away when I realize 5 of the players are from the team losing 5-1!

Decide to give the poor guy the benefit of the doubt and let him carry on, he wouldn't go near the ball for the rest of the match. Poor lad

After the recent discussion on using the captains here, I thought I'd add aswell... first guy I walked was the captain, 1st yellow for a foul, 2nd for dissent... then the second guy who almost got the walk was the guy who got the captains armband after his mate got sent off, funnily enough. Seems captains are among the worst offenders :eek:
This is an old trick used by players to undermine the authority of a referee. They "appeal" to your better nature then the next thing is they are either baying for your blood when the same player commits a half hearted foul 2 minutes later or they give you a poor mark and cite this incident as evidence of your poor application of law. It's best just to apply law, issue the second caution and dismiss the player. From your description there doesn't seem to be much doubt that the challenge warranted a caution for being reckless. No surprises ... issue the caution.
Completely understand and take on all points above. Thanks all.

Looking back once again I think I just couldn't find it in my heart to reduce them to 8 when generally it was a decently contested and relatively well played game...
Perhaps a sympathetic phrase when issuing the second caution and red would have helped maintain match control is any of the players from either side questioned you -

"I really didn't want to send him off, but the nature of that challenge gave me no choice/decision to make"

Shows you understand what implications it may have for the game, you understand the other players' viewpoint, but have had to do your job and apply the laws.
We aren't there to be mates with the players. Players and coaches will use any old rubbish I find. Good example I had was booking home teams lad for standing over a free kick, away manager applauds says it's about time, yadda yadda. Ten minutes later I send off the away teams captain at which point the away team manager is then shouting I'd only done it to even things up after giving the soft yellow earlier for nothing.
I suppose it all depends on the game and how it's going. If the game is horrible and one or both teams are giving constant grief then bang off he goes. If it's a sensible game and not loads has been happening then call player over, very public dressing down and big downward scissors in the hope he won't do it again. By giving player dressing down so publicly it shows all your taking it seriously
Just always go with your instinct no matter what. First minute or last- do what you think is right by the letter of the law, but at the same time using common sense :):)
Just always go with your instinct no matter what. First minute or last- do what you think is right by the letter of the law, but at the same time using common sense :):)

sadly, they don't always go hand in hand.....as many threads testify to on here