Junior/Youth What do they teach?

The shocking attitude and behaviour of some players, parents & coaches at youth matches never fails to amaze me. :mad:

There's a kid in my son's 13s team that sounds like a clone of the no8 phonesurgeon refers to. Big chip on his shoulder, serious attitude issues, constantly moaning and complaining at just about everyone. As far as he is concerned, his challenges are perfectly fine, but any challenge on him must be a foul. It was no surprise when I was told he was released from a Premier League club's academy due to his attitude and behaviour.
A&H International
@Phonesurgeon put the report in. If you get called up before the FA tell them as you've told us. Parents & coaches who behave like this are frowned upon and need to be dealt with harshly. How are the kids supposed to learn if they see adults behaving this way.
I'm now officially next season a club Lino for my referee secretary son team and even me as a 26 year old has to set the example of being a responsible adult so I like really to help kids football out in one way or another
I'm now officially next season a club Lino for my referee secretary son team and even me as a 26 year old has to set the example of being a responsible adult so I like really to help kids football out in one way or another
What on every game? What would you want to do that for?
These always become a lose-lose situation when you have a player who refuses to even come over, and even moreso when it's such a young kid. Let him go, and you've let him get away with it and you couldn't control a kid. Stand your ground and you could be waiting a while for him to come over....and by that point, even if he comes over you end up looking like a jobsworth.

What an absurd response, but at least looking at the parent you know why the kid is so poorly misbehaved. A good argument for players being banned if the parents are....quite disgraceful. The response of the coach also explains the problem.....

I've come across an U/12 team once that caused a lot of problems, they weren't just dissenting, you could tell it was 'skillful' dissent, they were trying to find a way to get under my skin, same with the way they approached the opponents. You could tell they had been coached in it.

I remember refereeing an U/15 Futsal team, the players caused all sorts of problems......but they were a different team once I ejected their coach!!!
Ive served on the Stourbridge youth league 4 months after I took up the whistle and have been on it for the last 4 and a half years 5 and I wanted some way too still give something to the kids and still do something on Sunday mornings next season and this is a good way
Update: the player in question has received 2 match ban, so at a guess the club has also been fined for the misconduct and abandonment. Not heard a pip from CFA, so all is well...