What do you do?


Active Member
Striker shoots and goes behind, you give a corner as you thought you saw and heard it hit the defender. Defender looks at you like u have just pissed on his kids and says never touched me ref, then the striker pipes up and says it didn't hit the defender.

Do you give a Corner or a change to a Goal Kick?
A&H International
I'd stick with a corner. I've never come across an attacker willing to give up a corner. But once I've made a call I stick with it. I think otherwise it'll make me just look like my decision will be swayed with a bit of moaning.
This has happened to me a few times where I have given a decsision and both teams have laughed at it I stick to my guns if you think you have seen something give it and stick to it unless your 100% sure youve messed up then change it
Stick with it every time!......If they see you change one decision, they'll think that means that they can try to give you pressure to change others - attention which you don't need nor want :p
Go with your first instinct, i did same on sunday, ball went out i gave a Goalkick, everyone burst out laughing and thought i was joking, werent laughing when they realised i was being serious! im guessing it should have been a corner but i wasnt going to chnage my mind :/
With stuff around the penalty area if in doubt I prefer to give a goal kick as last thing I want is to give a corner I'm not sure on and a goal is scored. Then rather than just coming away thinking I might have got that goal kick decision wrong I could end up walking away having cost a team a goal. I'd much rather come away from games without managers, players or spectators speaking about me. Lucky for me only once have I had an assistant manager refuse to shake my hand or talk to me at the end of the game, and his team had lost 7-0 and he thought I should have sent a player for the opposition off in the first half and didnt stop shouting at me about it for the entire game!
In that situation, personally, id stick to my guns and go with the corner.
If the attacker is willing to tell me that he was the last one to touch it, than I go with a GK. I want to get the correct call in every instance and in this instance, I would thank the attacker very much for his sportsmanship and apologize for having gotten it wrong.
100% give the corner, unless... I have once or twice, when it is blatantly obvious to everyone but me that I have made a wrong decision just started to laugh and 'appologise for giving the wrong direction' with the hand signals, only with throw ins though.
It does more harm to your credibility to go with the corner than it does to change your decision. The LOTG are quite clear that upon realizing his error, the referee may change his decision so it's not an issue of law. Players will not be very likely to trust that you are trying to make every decision right if you have an obvious mistake made and you don't correct it.
To buck the trend, if the attacker admitted that he was the last one to touch it I would apologise and reverse the decision. Remember, the referee is allowed to change his decision provided that play has not restarted! You are just asking for trouble if the attacking team then score from the corner kick!
If the attacker is sporting enough to admit that the defender didn't touch it then why throw that sporting gesture back in his face so personally I don't see what is wrong with thanking the attacker for his honesty and awarding a goal kick.
You've not started play again, so you can do what you like - go with it and change your mind to the correct decision of goal kick, have a great big grin on your face and praise both players for their honesty. Remember, it's their game, not yours, you're only there to help. Remind them though that next time they disagree with each other, you'll make the decision and it will be final!
If you are only half sure on a decision, try and gauge the player's reactions. If the GK goes for the ball as if setting up for a goal kick, delay your decision and then point for a goal kick, same with a corner. If there is no reaction, go with the goal kick because it is the "safest" decision. However, if you have given the corner and were unsure, and the player is indeed looking at you like you've pissed on his kids, never change the decision on the player's reaction. Wait for the ball to come into the box and give a "soft" defensive foul. And when I say soft I mean give anything, even if it's outrageously marginal. Refs do it at the top level and it's easier to sell it on a public park. You would rather not have a goal being scored on a decision you think you have messed up. But only do it when it is a complete mess up and never just a debatable decision.