What should I have done

charlie hawker

New Member
Level 9 Referee
i was refereeing an u12 game earlier today and the goalkeeper called for a foul so the opposing player told him to shut up, in which the keeper replied fight me then, I spoke to him about but done nothing further as I wasnt sure what I should have done, any help?
A&H International
At under 12's, I probably would have got the manager involved with the player (and captain if you felt he was mature enough), and advised that offering to "fight" someone is not how to act on the football pitch. If the keeper then carried on I'd be cautioning him for AA.
At under 12s I would probably have booked the keeper for AA then had a word with the Manager
At the younger age groups, have said a few times to players "If you want to fight then you can watch the rest of the game from the sidelines".

Usually works for me! :)