What time?

A&H International
Depends what level. You could be there before clubs if your over keen.

Atleast an hour ideally. But if your on your own with CARs, I'd say 45 mins.
The match is my local Saturday league OA, so probs with CAR, I ve received an email from home club secretary asking me to confirm.
Which I did, saying I'll be there around 1.30pm. To which the secretary replied that seemed too early. Thing is I finish work at 1pm so with bag in car... I'll get there straight from work.
On your local Saturday league you will find most refs will get to games 45-30 mins before KO. Most Sec's are run ragged and there is nothing to do before KO for you if there is minimal facilities.

Do whats right for you and enjoy it :)
I will do. I just thought been a tad off putting for a club secretary to adopt that sort of line... This is the club in same town I live.
Personally I aim to get there at least an hour before a game. Nothing worse than rushing around before the game
I'm there an hour early (if not more if there are circumstances which warrant it).

Like Ross, I like to take my time and not be rushed.
@Ross that's what I thought... I finish work at 1pm and have 15-20 minutes drive home(according to traffic), so my bag in boot, call home for refreshment and supplies, and then straight to my fixture, a mile away from home.
I like to arrive 45 mins before kick off, but if i've got to travel long distance i will allow for traffic and rather get there earlier say one hour before k.o.
Really, if it is a low level parks game and there is no changing room/facilities, I aim to get there for 30-20 mins before KO, if there are facilities available I'll go for 1hr-45 mins ideally.
I've also arrived early for matches as there was no point going home after work, just be prepared to be a bit bored.
If I'm on my own, 30 mins is plenty (maybe even 15 for Sunday league).
If a trio, I'd say 40 (or whatever the ref asks).
Cup finals/semis - 60 mins
The fixture is at my local club, changing facilities, bar and a bit of grub for players and officials after the game. Its odd because the home team players are meeting up at the club at 1.30pm for a 2.30pm KO.
if you know the team are arriving at 1:30 then so would I!

caqrry out a pitch inspection, report any issues ... change into some training attire and warm up ... back into the facilities with around 20 minutes til K/O - go into each teams changing room and have the 'chat' with them, back to your room, get kitted up and then you should be there or there abouts ready to take the field
just general life stories that I've fabricated through the years ... @SM is right!

I just go through some basics, language to a minimum, watch your challenges - any issues then speak to your captain who will in turn speak to me ... etc etc
I'd go back to my room, give them both a couple of minutes and then stick my head in and lead them out (I let them know as I finish the little chat to be ready in 5)
Crikey , they do thinks different in other counties I guess.

If I tried to lead the players out onto the pitch (at a level below that requiring neutral ARs) I think I'd be laughed out of the clubhouse (and by clubhouse I mean metal container unit with a bench in it)
What if the pitch is 400m from the changing room?

Wouldn't EVER catch me in their changing room.
I doubt any player is listening to a prematch chat. Mine conists of "heads or tails"
Lengthy pre-match chats only lead to you backing yourself into a corner for later.
Any player that want's to know what my tolerances are with regards to OFFINABUS or dissent will find out when he sees the YC/RC.