What would you Report as?

Andrew Ewen

New Member
OA game today (1st in a new league after transferring)

Really good competitive game between reds (3rd in league) and yellows (2nd) noticed early on that red 7 and CAR from yellow were at each other from the start, and I later found out this was left over from a previous game. Nothing to untoward and both were warned loud enough for players to have been in no doubt that enough was enough.

Midway through the 2nd half red 7 clips yellow defender but I play advantage as yellows on the break, as yellow player runs past he says are you watching him ref, I replied by saying I'm watching. Now, red 7 has heard this and assumed (possibly understandably) that I meant I was watching him and screams at the top of his voice 'are you f****** joking ref? Break in play, taken aside and cautioned.

Here comes the titled question. 7th minute and red 7 commits the worst tackle I have seen on a football field. Knee high jumping from miles away and it was only by sheer luck the yellow players foot wasn't planted. Game stopped and red card issued immediately. Red 7 starts screaming in my face that I was f****** joking and moving right into my personal space (player was a foot taller than me and clearly towered above me). His teammates attempted to remove him from the field but 3 were pushed aside and again he came face to face with me. It was at this point he shouted that he was angry because he hated f****** cheats. It took 4 minutes for Red 7 to be removed from the field by his teammates.

Now, of course I will be reporting him for the 'tackle', refusing to leave the field of play etc, but the cheat comment is a grey area for me. I know he felt that he was getting a raw deal from the CAR and I'm unsure if this comment was aimed at me or the CAR as it was the only thing in the tirade that wasn't said to my face, but to a team mate.

Both teams at the end completely agreed with how I managed the situation and red captain said red 7 runs the risk every game of being sent off. Being my first game I also had league and ref secretary at the game who were also pleased with how I handled the game

Start as we mean to go on hey!!!
A&H International
@Andrew Ewen - Simply report all that happened. You don't need to worry about what the comment could be classified as. Once you have dismissed the player for SFP then all the subsequent acts fall outside your remit of control on the day and it is for the county FA to consider the report and charge the player appropriately.
Do your multi report for the caution. Do your Red Card report for the SFP. Do a misconduct report for the verbals and aggressive stance after the red had been issued.
Not being funny, but as a level 5 referee, you shouldn't need to ask such a basic question as this.

You are supposed to be a 'Senior County Referee', not a junior ref in their first few seasons.
Unless he is in the Scottish system where a 5 is the equivalent of an English 7? And looking at the gentleman's surname....

Either way, lets not be quick to judge others. A fellow referee (and new forum user) has come asking for some assistance, not to get a hard time. From now on, posts are to be supportive and/or helpful or do no post in this thread. Thank you.
Unless he is in the Scottish system where a 5 is the equivalent of an English 7? And looking at the gentleman's surname....

Either way, lets not be quick to judge others. A fellow referee (and new forum user) has come asking for some assistance, not to get a hard time. From now on, posts are to be supportive and/or helpful or do no post in this thread. Thank you.

With a FA listing of 'Kent' on his profile....I doubt very much he is in the Scottish system!

He's not getting a 'hard time'......a simple question is being posed of how someone has been promoted to a 'senior' level and yet does not apparently understand the basics of misconduct reporting?

And quite clearly other members agree with that principle as evidenced by the likes for my earlier comment?
Missed the Kent thing.

You are being told to either post something constructive, or do not post in this thread. If you carry on padfoot, your posts will be deleted. Fair warning given.