Whistles to match colours of teams

ref craig

RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
Hi all I've started to take interest into the sound of the mini and combine it with my eclipse I already have black red mini and black red blue eclipse and as the eclipse has the sound of the tornado and cmg to boat I wanna combine my minis with my eclipse so I want to know what you find are the common colours for teams at higher and at grassroots
A&H International
I reckon the most common colour at grassroots is probably blue.
Blue or red for me. Any particular reason why you want your whistles to match?
I would concentrate on making sure you were in the right position to make the right decision based on law, rather than trying to match the colour of your whistle to player shirts.

in other words, concentrate on the basics of refereeing before you start worrying about things that will have no impact on your ability to referee.
All my whistles are black. Never thought of having a bright colour such as red or blue...
to be fair, Ryan, it's only because we can't discuss the comparative benefits of refereeing by the laws as opposed to refereeing by making laws up as we go along :)