Worth reporting team/coach?

Adam Smith

New Member
Refereeing a u14s match this morning, the pitch was just about playable, but as soon as they noticed that I was refereeing, 3 of the teams parents/coaches surrounded me telling me I should call the game off, but I with the other teams coach , thought that the game should go ahead. So as soon as game started every descion against them was greeted with shouting and swearing, this got worse as game went on. Also at end of match gave me a 9/100, and other teams coach told me that wasn't fair and said that he thought that I had a decent game.
Should I report this or just leave it? And if I should report it how do I about doing it
A&H International
My thoughts based on what you've written

decision to play or call off a match is yours alone. Discuss your thoughts with both coaches (together) but make your decision independantly of both of them

first swearing. stop the game and have a word with the coach of the parents responsible. tell him/her that it is not acceptable and any repeat could lead to your asking him/her to ask parents to leave the vicinity of the pitch or abandoning the match. ask for names of parents who were swearing....to be included in your report to your f.a.

second swearing - stop game and do what you told coach you would do if there was a repeat

ignore 9/100 - i assume that they have to justify those marks to the league in writing (anything below 60 in leagues i ref on) - your report to your f.a. /match report to league will help them put two and two together

send misconduct report to your f.a.

on your match report to league, let them know that you are reporting team 'a' (coaches, parents, whoever) for misconduct but don't outline the reasons for doing so. (the league will get a copy of your misconduct report from your f.a.)

Yep same as what others have said, make sure you report it:
1.) You shouldn't have to put up with idiots like this
2.) It's not fair on the person who has to ref them next because they will do all of this again to the next ref, thinking that they can get away with it.

I have lots of parents like this, (not all as bad) but most have something to contribute

I had a game a few weeks ago, (U14's too) most of the pitch was playable but the goal areas were frozen, I was aware of this and was just about to check them again (I had the teams running about on them to try and make them a bit softer because they were boarder line anyway) then a parent of the away team comes waking up to me, I was on the touchline looking in my bag, he was walking from the pitch towards me, this is how the conversation went:

Him: You're not playing on this are you ref!? The goal mouths are frozen solid the keeper could break his arm
Me: Sorry, Who are you?
Him: What?
Me: Well you didn't introduce yourself to me as an official from either team so I'm assuming that you are just a parent?
Him: Yeah my lad's over there
Me: Well please can you step behind the respect barrier where all of the other parents are as you shouldn't even be on the pitch
Him: (chunter) Well it's dangerous!
Me: I am about to check again like I told the managers earlier and decide whether to play or not so if you would kindly step the other side of the barrier, thank you.
Him: (chunter) Well my son has a bad ankle anyway and I don't want him hurting it any more
Me: Well maybe he shouldn't be playing today then, I don't have to take into account your sons bad ankle when I decide where the pitch is playable or not.

'Just a parent' - ouch!!!

Him: You're not playing on this are you ref!? The goal mouths are frozen solid the keeper could break his arm

Me: Hi there. I am about to check again and decide whether to play or not

I'd argue that any other comments on your part weren't really neccessary
No I think they were :p. I hate nothing more than an over protective parent who thinks the only thing you think about is their son/daughter.
I must add that it wasn't a friendly tone that he said it in, if he had been nice in his question I would've replied in a nicer way but he started questioning me as though he was king of the world, so I put him in his place.
I wouldn't report them since you felt no need to deal with the situation during the match. The obvious question to be asked is "how bad could they have been if, on the day, the official saw no reason to take action?"
Yeah cheers, think seeing it was my 2nd game wasn't confident enough to go over, in hindsight though I should of gone to say something to them