Open Age You can't help some people !

Duncan Francis

Active Member
Level 7 Referee
Blue v Red on Saturday. Blue player fouled out wide on half way line. Blue team mate boots the ball forward which deflects off red defender and is clearly going to go out for a corner. I shout and signal advantage. Blue manager is shouting at me that I've missed a clear foul. I point to the corner but he carries on his volley at me and I end up sending him. His team had three players well over 6 feet tall. A corner was a clear advantage over a FK on half way. You can't help some people!
A&H International
Does make you wonder ... who decided that HE should be the coach?! :)

One thought, as you didn't specifically call it out, hopefully you also had a clear and obvious word with the players comitting and receiving the foul? If he saw you do this and continued his rant then more fool him!
I can understand why you did what you did. I try to always say loudly, "I have seen it" before deciding whether to play the advantage as this clearly acknowledges the foul and appeases onlookers that I have not missed something.
It was a nothing foul really. It happened really quickly and as soon as the ball deflected off the defender I called and signalled advantage. I then made an exaggerated corner signal and called out corner ball to make it obvious. He was still ranting at me as they were about to take the corner. Not sure what his problem was.
First time in my life that I've heard of advantage being applied in the manner you describe.....perhaps they practise free kicks more than corners
Always seen advantage as a goalscoring opportunity for open play.

Not sure of the legality of using a corner as an advantage..
Can see the logic though
I can see the logic - field position of the corner means it's a better opportunity, and they have possession. But this is too 'subtle' an interpretation of advantage for most players, IMO. All they can see is that they were fouled and don't have the ball (at that time), nor do they have a free kick. You may want to consider simplifying what you consider advantage :)

I do think your decision is a definite accrued advantage, but I've been stuck with this sort of thing before. Players just don't look at things the same way we do.
The players didn't have a problem with it. They could see that they had an advantage. It was only the manager who couldn't see it !
Last season under 16 semi final. NAR's running line and he flags for an offside but defending team have possession and cross half way line.
Team manager of original defending team starts shouting across the pitch about me missing offside flag and wanting free kick.
I therefore blew up and gave him free kick deep in their own half. His team questioned why I did not play advantage and I explained that their manager shouting for free kick so I assumed he did not want to continue with play. Players then started having a go at their manager telling him to keep quiet which did the job for me as it shut up a manager who had been starting to get too vocal throughout game for my liking.
@happy whistler although I understand the point you're making. But personally I'd never EVER admit a shout from the sideline has influenced my decision making. All decisions are 100% mine, others I've found this can spiral out of control a bit.
@happy whistler whilst I have considered reacting to a players shout for a foul when the advantage is the better option it would as DaveMac suggests make a very big rod for our own backs sadly.