You Weren't even looking


Active Member
Level 5 Referee
Gave a penalty in my game saturday, unfortunately it was on the opposite side to my NAR. However, striker entered penalty area and cross the ball. I divert eyes to follow path of ball and then look back to see the remains of a late challenge from the CB. I didn't see the point of impact but everything about it screamed penalty!

after the game my other NAR said it was a close call and could see why I gave it but would have accepted had I not. it had no real bearing on the outcome or my match control but just wondered where peoples thoughts are on this!
A&H International
Penalty in/out of the box is an important decision when it comes to communicating with ARs.

In pre-match it is often briefed. Most refs like subtle turn of the body by the AR to help with in/out.

In your case sounds like you would have benefitted from whistling but not saying/showing pen until after confering with your AR(s). You’ve said it yourself: seems like you didn’t see the point of contact. You might still be right but that’s bad for match control. At least if you confer with the AR it adds weight to your decision and aids match control.
Thanks for the reply, we discussed penalties in the pre match but this incident was on the opposite side of the PA from the AR so didn't think he had a view good view or at least I felt I was in the best position to give it, the uncertainty is more around if it was/wasnt a penalty rather than in out.

I guess the learning here is to discuss to help with selling the decision either way.

The original player said I didn't see the foul, not that there wasn't a foul and the seperately prior to the PK being taken the by remonstrating with me, telling me it was foul but outside the box, the GK kind of confirmed the decision.

On reflection the decision was right but I haven't exactly done myself any favours
You would have benefitted from a trailing eye but I am not sure how long you could have kept your trailing eye back given where the ball was going.

It is easy for a player who is crossing in right angle to his movement to fall . For me, the circumstancial evednece has to be overwhelming to give a pen that I did not completely see the foul for. With your description, I don't think I would have given it. It's going to be a hard decision to sell no matter which way you go.
These are very rarely given by senior referees, see it quite a lot where a player gets the cross or shot away and is then clattered and it hardly ever gets given.