'You're Out of Order!'

Steve C

The Unfit one!
Game yesterday morning, U14s div 3. Got there, getting changed, home manager comes over, 'Hi ref, we're kicking off at 10am on the dot, i dont care if theyre not all there or warmed up' which was very odd to me since normally teams ask for a few extra minutes. Anyway, very very boring game, they both weren't brilliant teams, a lot of hoof and hope, a lot of slicing the ball, a lot of miskicks etc. One DFK in the first half for handball, a few offsides but no complaints. Home team winning 3-1. Second half away team quickly pull back to 3-3 because of mistakes by the other team. Last 20 was a big battle. About 15 mins to go, home player gets a ball to the balls just inside his defending half, off towards the home touchline. He seemed to be in some pain so i went over to him and play was still going on not too far from me and him, one of his team players broke free and so i said ill come back, tried to make up 60 yards in a few seconds, got about 30 yds away but it was unobstructed view, and the defender made the slide tackle perfectly and the keeper collected, i then stopped play and ran back to the injured player, saw him off for treatment and then ran all the way down to thd box for the drop ball and i said to GK you can pick up and play on as you were. Then i gave a few (very) clear offsides against home (cue groans) and then away scored last min of the game. It was a very quiet game overall. As i stand in middle for handshakes etc. Home manager comes onto pitch pointing and waving his clip board at me shouting 'youre out if order, youre a disgrace' i said how, and he said 'offsides, you missed a blatent passback' i got 2 words of an explanation out when he interrupted by shoving the clipboard to me and said 'just sign' as im signing he slams , and i mean slams the fee down on the clipboard to the point where the pound coin flew 10 yards away and i said it was a good game as i gave him the clipboard back and he snatched it and just threw it back in my face verbally again. I spoke to away manager to sign his sheet and he said i had a very good game and the offsides were correct and there was no passback etc. And he was very very nice and respectful, and he was shocked at the home managers behaviour (as he shouted still im out of order as he walked away).

I said ill submit a misconduct about this if he isnt careful and he was still giving it a bit of jib still.

Should i submit one do you guys think? Am i overreacting to it or would i be right to submit one?

I know youll get decision complaints at the end of the game sometimes but the extend he threw it at me?

What do you guys think?
A&H International
Its borderline misconduct for me, but if you wanted to no problem, but........should have warned him you were going to report at the time.
If you report and he appeals, obvious question will be "Why didn't you inform manager at the time that you were reporting him?"
The first interaction with the manager really should have warned you he would be trouble.

Most can at least manage to be pleasant BEFORE the game starts.

Did you respond to that "order" about when game starts.

In my experience most grassroots leagues state that temas HAVE tobe ready 30" after scheduled KO, but that ALL late Kos be reported.

Most refs will allow up to 15' leeway before reporting. To demand an U14s match KOs "on the dot" is ridiculous.
If you report and he appeals, obvious question will be "Why didn't you inform manager at the time that you were reporting him?"

Obvious answer will be "Do you have to be threaten with a report to show respect to refs ?"
What difference would that make @PinnerPaul?

You have to tell players during a game what they are receiving their card for, but in this instance just let the idiot have his moment and walk away rather than giving him reason to kick off again.
Obvious answer will be "Do you have to be threaten with a report to show respect to refs ?"


I think managers should be able to conduct themselves better than players. To turn around and have to threaten them with a report to ge them to behave, I think, is silly.
Quick question, who picked up the one pound coin? I can tell you for a fact that it wouldn't have been me and if the manager didn't I would have reported him for not paying me the correct fee. I think you should report the guy, this kind of behaviour is not acceptable !

I think managers should be able to conduct themselves better than players. To turn around and have to threaten them with a report to ge them to behave, I think, is silly.

Sadly plenty of managers are worse than players, I remember one game this season, U19 Cup, as we were heading back to changing rooms, I was arguing (actually, it was more a polite discussion than an argument) with two or three players from the team who lost 2-1 about one unique game changing situation (and not my refereeing in general), as we were almost in said changing rooms, their manager catches us and say loudly "It was a shame !! Not one whistling in our favour !!", before I could say anything, two of the players said simultaneously "No no come on that's not true coach !"
These guys sure put a big smile on my face
Sadly plenty of managers are worse than players, I remember one game this season, U19 Cup, as we were heading back to changing rooms, I was arguing (actually, it was more a polite discussion than an argument) with two or three players from the team who lost 2-1 about one unique game changing situation (and not my refereeing in general), as we were almost in said changing rooms, their manager catches us and say loudly "It was a shame !! Not one whistling in our favour !!", before I could say anything, two of the players said simultaneously "No no come on that's not true coach !"
These guys sure put a big smile on my face

And as you turned your back they probably followed that up with "he did whistle for our kick offs" :D
Quick question, who picked up the one pound coin? I can tell you for a fact that it wouldn't have been me and if the manager didn't I would have reported him for not paying me the correct fee. I think you should report the guy, this kind of behaviour is not acceptable !

I only noticed when I took the 10er off the clipboard and found the 1 quid on the centre circle line as i walked to my bag, i signed stuff on center spot so i knew it was 10 yards haha!
Its borderline misconduct for me, but if you wanted to no problem, but........should have warned him you were going to report at the time.
If you report and he appeals, obvious question will be "Why didn't you inform manager at the time that you were reporting him?"
In all fairness i did warn him id put one in if he carried on and he carried on so 2+2 should = 4 here
If you report it, then he will receive correspondence from CFA which he will need to reply to. In worst case scenario he will get warning as to future conduct and it will be on his record if fellow referee reports any future incidents.
Sounds soft to me.

I'm not saying we should accept this type of behaviour, however you will get worse from managers when they're not secretary too and just brush it off.

Be stern with him, smile and thank him for his feedback and show how confident you are in your performance.
I have had this and I know it's not an excuse but I'm six foot four and not the littlest bloke on most pitches, the manager threw the money at me as soon as the final whistle had been blown, and said words to the effect of "what winds me up is having to pay for ****e like you" I walked off leaving the money on the ground and he picked it up asking me if I was going to take it, my response was "no keep it, use it towards your fine"
The players told me after he had been shown a red card in almost every home game, but this had never been passed onto the refs so he just turned up as normal.