Youth Football Frustrations, a Rant

It drives me up the wall, that a very clean, ball-playing tackle where the only contact that's actually been made is caused by the attacker's movement, made in the penalty area, warrants a massive appeal from players, surrounding me and contesting it like it's the worst decision they've ever seen. To top it off, the coach who's "perfect view" as he described it to me from probably fifty yards away tells me that it was a clear penalty. So I leave the U18s game knowing that my club marks are going to suffer. It frustrates me to the back teeth that I won't get county cup or FA appointments because of incidents like this.

Also, why is it that U18s games can consist of teams that are so well behaved but also teams that are so abysmally behaved, what are the coaches treating these kids? I'm nearly 20 years old and I grew out of my petulant and entitled teenage stage ages ago, some of these lads do not seem as if they're ever going to do so. The contrast between my two U18 games today - first one, really tough, promotion on the line for both teams, players were unpleasant to each other and I wasn't able to evade intense criticism. Since when has it been normal for someone of that age to say to an opposition player that they will "eat them alive", and how can an entire team disagree with and rudely contest the referee's decision to award a DFK for an (albeit accidental) kick to the face of the goalkeeper.

My afternoon U18 KO was completely the opposite, where players listened, empathised, co-operated, yes they was the odd bit of aggression between players, but at least they were respectful to the referee, working with me, not against me, and most importantly, focussing on their bloody football! Home coach who appreciates my style of refereeing told me he was very impressed with my diplomatic approach and appreciated the way I communicated to the players, keeping in touch with the game. Had this team once before and the coach loves me, I saw him today and he looked so happy to see me, looked at me as if he wanted to marry me!

Anyway, rant over, will probably delete this later.
A&H International
I think you've answered your own question.

In my experience it's all about the team managers attitude.

I help coach two youth teams (U11s & U12s) and referee upto U16s (no interest in moving up the ranks at 49 so not bothered about open age football) and see it all the time - good, positive coaches with the right attitude = good, well behaved players. There might be the odd hothead on the team but invariably a warning and some management from the coach and it's sorted.

Only teams I've had any issues with at all stems from the coaches attitude and occasionally parents. Seen on several occasions players behaving perfectly for the first 50 or 70 (Junior Premier League, where they play 80 mins) until the coach starts whinging about a decision the players then start copying.