The Ref Stop

Review Electronic Linesman Flags


Referee, Observer, Mentor, Player
Level 5 Referee
I've been looking at electronic linesman flags for a while. I personally think they are over-priced for what they are - Simple transmitter/receiver circuits. I'm going to make a set of my own and see how I get on with them.

Has anyone ever tried it?
The Ref Stop
I've been looking at electronic linesman flags for a while. I personally think they are over-priced for what they are - Simple transmitter/receiver circuits. I'm going to make a set of my own and see how I get on with them.

Has anyone ever tried it?

I can replace torch batteries and change light bulbs and stuff though. :D

(Good luck with that David - let us know how you get on ;) )
I can replace torch batteries and change light bulbs and stuff though. :D

(Good luck with that David - let us know how you get on ;) )

Ahaa that's all the life skills required mate. It shouldn't be too hard to do. I'm going to buy another set of A&H touchline flags and implement them into that. The transmitter/Receivers (2000m range) are £13 each (£39 for 2 flags & 1 Arm unit), Antenna's are a few quid although with such a short range and a high bandwidth, I'll only need a small piece of wire I recon and a vibrating unit/buzzer just a couple of quid.

So, for under £80 and a few man hours, I might actually have a set of working electronic flags. I won't be using them in the leagues I ref in at the moment, they'd get trashed but certainly may be able to use them in the future.
What is the fascination between lower level referees and buzzer flags?

Just concentrate on getting the basics right, gaining experience which will stand you in good stead for your inevitable promotion push, and maybe you'll get to a point where you are officiating at a sufficiently senior level to actually warrant the use of buzzer flags?

I won't be using them in the leagues I ref in at the moment, they'd get trashed but certainly may be able to use them in the future.

Just to reiterate my point. I don't intend to use them at my current level. The purpose of the post was to see if anyone has ever had a go at making them. I wouldn't dream of using them for league games, I'd consider them in Finals where I have assistants etc but no chance would you catch me using them in the league. I'm quite into avionics and quite fancy a bit of a challenge :)
Just to reiterate my point. I don't intend to use them at my current level. The purpose of the post was to see if anyone has ever had a go at making them. I wouldn't dream of using them for league games, I'd consider them in Finals where I have assistants etc but no chance would you catch me using them in the league. I'm quite into avionics and quite fancy a bit of a challenge :)

Don't mind old Grumpfoot David. ;) :D
Fact is, as a level 6 or 5 you could quite easily end up running a line for a level 4 somewhere who may well have buzzer flags. If you've used them before you'll find it easier to get used to. :)
Hey Kes,

I ran the line at an English Schools Cup match on thursday last week. Had it not been for the buzzers, the referee would have missed an injury and the ball going out of play.

I think they're rather handy. They are frowned upon by the majority of referee's at our level, which confuses me as WHEN they are used properly, they are very handy. :)
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Aside from the "buzzer flags are a bit pointless" bit (which I find largely true), I think it s great that you're looking to see if you make your own.

It's no different to people who add pointless bits to cars just because they can - good luck to these pioneers. It's your money and if you can do it for a fraction of the retail price then that's great. The entrepreneur in me says you could end up selling kits to modify existing basic flags. Go for it.
Don't mind old Grumpfoot David. ;) :D
Fact is, as a level 6 or 5 you could quite easily end up running a line for a level 4 somewhere who may well have buzzer flags. If you've used them before you'll find it easier to get used to. :)

Correct, I'm a 7 and been asked to use them about half a dozen times in 13 years
What is the fascination between lower level referees and buzzer flags?

Just concentrate on getting the basics right, gaining experience which will stand you in good stead for your inevitable promotion push, and maybe you'll get to a point where you are officiating at a sufficiently senior level to actually warrant the use of buzzer flags?

All the gear and no idea?
It's refereeing.... Not rocket science. Buzzer flags are an asset which, In my opinion can come in handy at whatever standard you officiate in. So long as you have a good, honest linesman (if not neutral) then they are handy. I don't get why so many people are against them? They are just as effective as waving an arm or using your voice, yet that's never frowned upon :alien: Its 2016 people, get with the times. We no longer play with solid leather balls, we no longer need to write players names down on a bit of slate using stone... We are in a modern era where technology is a part of everything we do.
It's refereeing.... Not rocket science. Buzzer flags are an asset which, In my opinion can come in handy at whatever standard you officiate in. So long as you have a good, honest linesman (if not neutral) then they are handy. I don't get why so many people are against them? They are just as effective as waving an arm or using your voice, yet that's never frowned upon :alien: Its 2016 people, get with the times. We no longer play with solid leather balls, we no longer need to write players names down on a bit of slate using stone... We are in a modern era where technology is a part of everything we do.

Because if you use them at an early stage, you will end up relying on that little vibrating box to alert you to something that if you had bothered to learn the basics correctly you would've more than likely already been aware of!