Open Age had a player who refused to take his wedding ring of but had it taped ....


New Member
Level 7 Referee
The team had turned up quite late had just 11 players .Does everyone take a stance to no jewelry or have you let these observations go ? I had requested that he took it off and said it was illegal but he carried onto the pitch . This is Sunday league park football adults , admittedly it was heavily taped , would welcome your thoughts .... i am level 7 with 13 games under my belt .
A&H International
Ring comes off or he doesn't play. End of.

It's amazing how quick those "stuck solid" ring comes off when he realises he won't be playing

I've seen an awful injury from a wedding ring that made me wince and turn away. Its a one in a million occurrence but I can assure you wedding ring + eye socket do not mix well. This player didn't have it taped so may have made it worse but to me, tape is easily removed and not fool proof

What is far more likely than above is the ring to cut into the finger and slice some skin and flesh off with it. Check out the AS Roma (I think) match where it happened. Its pretty grim viewing.
Agreed, it was a new situation for me and aired on the side of well you should know but only this once ... learning fast never again thanks !
I think we've all been there. Sometimes it is a bit of "do I really need the hassle"

I've done it and so has everyone else on here. Anyone who says they've never let one slide to make their life easier is either a liar or much less likely is exceptionally proficient in applying all this.

Think its an experience thing but with jewellery I am very strict purely because of the potential disastrous consequences
I recall that finger being lost. That was pretty gruesome at the time (and still is).

When I started officiating, in a women's game someone had a small diamond stud in one ear with one of those standard backing pieces. The ball hit her in the side of the head (lower ear) and rammed the stud into her neck. The backing piece stayed embedded and she had to go to the hospital to have it removed.
Has to come off, as Herts said it amazing how the ring that hasn't been off in ten years suddenly comes off when you refuse to allow him to play.
should take the ring off. Id be more concerned that your association are letting you referee open age amateur football after only 13 games. Up here in Sunny Scotlandshire our association its Age 13-14 for season 1, Up to Age 16-17 season 2, Season 3 U19s, Season 4 open age
should take the ring off. Id be more concerned that your association are letting you referee open age amateur football after only 13 games. Up here in Sunny Scotlandshire our association its Age 13-14 for season 1, Up to Age 16-17 season 2, Season 3 U19s, Season 4 open age

Really? I've only ever done Open Age and would highly recommend it. Shocked at that. Is that the case all of Scotty land?
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I've had this also, noticed it pre match, told the player to take it off (sorry ref) , start the game, 35 mins in see something shimmer in the corner of my eye, same player still has his bloody ring on. Tell him to leave the pitch to remove the ring, says it doesn't come off so can he keep it on.

Of course you can palm but you cannot play, so your choice, off you go and bring a sub on or you remove the ring.

5 mins later the ring is off.
Biggest meal made of it ever.

Lesson learnt from this, when doing the jewellery checks, wait and make sure said item is removed as they will try anything.
Mine has to come off so does there's.
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Really? I've only ever done Open Age and would highly recommend it. Shocked at that. Is that the case all of Scotty land?
Don't know about rest of Scotlandshire but I can see the reasoning behind it for development and the retention of younger referees. It can be a culture shock going from refereeing 14 year old kids to refereeing their parents lol
i take on board your comments thanks , i do all my checks, this is the only one who refused so lesson learn't . Will move onto the next game with broader shoulders with firm hand to that whistle ! In this case Svenny76 the ring was heavily taped and they only had 11 players against 11+4 subs they were late also and the other team were raring to go
This always amazes me. As I'm leaving on a Sunday morning the wedding ring comes off and gets left on the side. It's hardly a massive deal. Obviously I do tell my wife while the ring is off I'm technically not married so she better hope there isn't any hotties there who like a man in black!
should take the ring off. Id be more concerned that your association are letting you referee open age amateur football after only 13 games. Up here in Sunny Scotlandshire our association its Age 13-14 for season 1, Up to Age 16-17 season 2, Season 3 U19s, Season 4 open age

4 seasons before open age?! I've seen many referees go from 9-4 in that time!
I knew one player who was afraid that his wife would think he didn't have his ring on so he took it off and taped up his bare finger pretending he still had it on. It has never failed him to my knowledge :)
should take the ring off. Id be more concerned that your association are letting you referee open age amateur football after only 13 games. Up here in Sunny Scotlandshire our association its Age 13-14 for season 1, Up to Age 16-17 season 2, Season 3 U19s, Season 4 open age
In Glasgow, West and Central area I think it must be different. I've not been refereeing this year because of a number of reasons but last year, after only 12 games, all at U15 or younger, I was offered Junior line, SPFL Womans Line and Amateur Ref (OA) games.