The Ref Stop

Referee Retention - Open Letter

The Ref Stop
There are so many factors at play here.
This letter does an excellent job of highlighting the issues facing refereeing around the country at the minute.
Only set to get worse as its gotten tight in the NLS so refs are going to be moved up.
The letter is well written and I'm sure well intentioned but we've heard all these points many times without any appreciable impact.
Yep. I think the suspensions due to Covid have created a perfect storm.

For some of the older refs that were thinking about "when" they pack it in, this was a natural time for them to retire.

For younger refs doing it for the cash, their revenue stream dried up overnight so had to think about other ways to try to earn cash and now are not coming back.

For some in the middle, I'm guessing they have decided that there's more to life than running round a football pitch getting shouted at. I know of one L4 referee that has not taken the fitness test this year and shows little inclination to do so, even though his position in the merit table would likely see him promoted to 3 in the upcoming mid-season changes.

Add to that the fact that County FA's had to suspend onboarding new refs and it's a mess!
.I know of one L4 referee that has not taken the fitness test this year and shows little inclination to do so, even though his position in the merit table would likely see him promoted to 3 in the upcoming mid-season changes.
Couple be tactical... Won't work I expect.

I'm annoyed. No middles this month... Within touching distance of the top banding, need probably one more decent mark to put me in there I think (I'm carrying a dodgy mark - long story) and won't get observed again now until at least mid October as County Cup game 1st weekend of October.

Of course I could have a stinker and my season(s) be In tatters 😁😁😁
Add to this that a lot of L4 and above referees let themselves go during lockdown and couldn't pass the fitness test even if they decided they wanted to. It really has been the perfect storm.
I must confess, I am seriously considering packing it in.

I not suffered any major abuse, and certainly never felt physically threatened, but whether it’s me or not, or whether it’s got worse, I don‘t know but I’m just fed up of the niggling negativity towards me. I’m fed up of the low level whinging and moaning and I just wonder why I bother giving up my time, when I could go for a 10k run instead. I’m just not really enjoying it anymore.

For example, the other week I turned up to do a game, on a pitch I’ve ref-Ed at many times before. It’s not a brilliant pitch, it’s a school/college in the week, and is rented out to clubs on the weekend. It’s not Wembley, but it’s playable. Before the game the away team started to complain that the goals weren’t quite square on to each other. In the past, teams may have joked about this, but there was an edge to the way these players were making these comments, also hinting that it was my fault/problem - they clearly wanted to apportion blame/get their excuses in before we even kicked off. I told them there wasn’t a lot we could do about it - we either accept it, or go home now. “Just saying, ref”. But why even bother just saying. We did kick off and the moaning continued.

This is but one example.

So I do, and did, ask myself why I bother. I made the decision to withdraw myself from my Sunday league (the above was from that league) the ref sec was sorry to see me go, and said the teams would all be disappointed as he only heard good things about me.

Then, on Thursday , I got a text from a skipper/manager from one of the teams asking if I had a game on Sunday as his fixture had no appointed ref - like approx half the games this weekend. As he’s a nice bloke, and his team are generally a good bunch, I’ve agreed to do his game this weekend. We’ll see how it goes. (I also had a look on full time- “my” Saturday league only has about half its games covered this week too.)

Not sure if it’s me or not, but I can’t seem to tune out the 10% who whinge and moan, and that’s a shame for the 90% who do (I think) appreciate what I do. But if Im to fully return to the fold, I need that 90% to be drowning out the 10%.
I must confess, I am seriously considering packing it in.

I not suffered any major abuse, and certainly never felt physically threatened, but whether it’s me or not, or whether it’s got worse, I don‘t know but I’m just fed up of the niggling negativity towards me. I’m fed up of the low level whinging and moaning and I just wonder why I bother giving up my time, when I could go for a 10k run instead. I’m just not really enjoying it anymore.

For example, the other week I turned up to do a game, on a pitch I’ve ref-Ed at many times before. It’s not a brilliant pitch, it’s a school/college in the week, and is rented out to clubs on the weekend. It’s not Wembley, but it’s playable. Before the game the away team started to complain that the goals weren’t quite square on to each other. In the past, teams may have joked about this, but there was an edge to the way these players were making these comments, also hinting that it was my fault/problem - they clearly wanted to apportion blame/get their excuses in before we even kicked off. I told them there wasn’t a lot we could do about it - we either accept it, or go home now. “Just saying, ref”. But why even bother just saying. We did kick off and the moaning continued.

This is but one example.

So I do, and did, ask myself why I bother. I made the decision to withdraw myself from my Sunday league (the above was from that league) the ref sec was sorry to see me go, and said the teams would all be disappointed as he only heard good things about me.

Then, on Thursday , I got a text from a skipper/manager from one of the teams asking if I had a game on Sunday as his fixture had no appointed ref - like approx half the games this weekend. As he’s a nice bloke, and his team are generally a good bunch, I’ve agreed to do his game this weekend. We’ll see how it goes. (I also had a look on full time- “my” Saturday league only has about half its games covered this week too.)

Not sure if it’s me or not, but I can’t seem to tune out the 10% who whinge and moan, and that’s a shame for the 90% who do (I think) appreciate what I do. But if Im to fully return to the fold, I need that 90% to be drowning out the 10%.

I think these sentiments are echoed around the grass roots leagues. Many refs have had alot of weekends doing other things during the pandemic and realised there's other things they can be doing.

My brother is a level 7 referee in the local Cheshire Leagues with no ambition to climb the ladder. He does it to stay fit and make a bit of money. He picks and chooses who he refs and on which leagues on a Sunday. He just waits for the inevitable texts from teams without a ref and decides if he's doing it or not. If he's had teams constantly whinging at him (or worse) before he just doesn't do it. Many will be doing the same.

I see alot of officials just doing lines on the step 5/6 leagues around here. More money than grass roots middles and far less crap in a better environment.

Ref courses restarting will help stem the losses to an extent, but in reality ref numbers have fallen year on year for a while now I assume?

Culture change is required but that takes a generation. More money may help (certainly has had a huge effect on the cricket league umpire shortage I played on) but can clubs afford it?

It's really difficult
RefJef post there is excellent

And am sure it rings true for the more experienced, at any or every level, referee
I think these sentiments are echoed around the grass roots leagues. Many refs have had alot of weekends doing other things during the pandemic and realised there's other things they can be doing.

My brother is a level 7 referee in the local Cheshire Leagues with no ambition to climb the ladder. He does it to stay fit and make a bit of money. He picks and chooses who he refs and on which leagues on a Sunday. He just waits for the inevitable texts from teams without a ref and decides if he's doing it or not. If he's had teams constantly whinging at him (or worse) before he just doesn't do it. Many will be doing the same.

I see alot of officials just doing lines on the step 5/6 leagues around here. More money than grass roots middles and far less crap in a better environment.

Ref courses restarting will help stem the losses to an extent, but in reality ref numbers have fallen year on year for a while now I assume?

Culture change is required but that takes a generation. More money may help (certainly has had a huge effect on the cricket league umpire shortage I played on) but can clubs afford it?

It's really difficult
Yeah that’s not unusual, I know a few refs that do that. My social media is full of “need a ref this weekend” posts from about Thursday onwards and I’m on a mailing list for the youth leagues with a list of uncovered games. The local Saturday appointments secretary sent a mail last night saying he’s got games needing covered so please contact him if you become free.
There’s definitely a knock on impact further up the pyramid making it’s way down. A mate of mine is on a Contrib line today. The other L4 on the line has been moved to do the middle and another L4 brought in to cover the line. The replacement AR has been pulled off his Supply league game and that’s now being middled by a 5 who was on the line. The replacement line for that is coming from a grassroots game…..

I don’t think money is the answer to be honest. We all know refereeing is harder work than it looks, especially to someone who has never done it.

Culture change is needed. Those in the game need to start treating referees with more respect and penalties need to be stiffer for those that fail to do so.

I agree that it’s something that has been spoken about for years, however maybe the current situation will force a rethink.

One example - Add a subcategory for OFFINABUS if it’s directed towards a match official the length of the ban is doubled.
I must confess, I am seriously considering packing it in.

I not suffered any major abuse, and certainly never felt physically threatened, but whether it’s me or not, or whether it’s got worse, I don‘t know but I’m just fed up of the niggling negativity towards me. I’m fed up of the low level whinging and moaning and I just wonder why I bother giving up my time, when I could go for a 10k run instead. I’m just not really enjoying it anymore.

For example, the other week I turned up to do a game, on a pitch I’ve ref-Ed at many times before. It’s not a brilliant pitch, it’s a school/college in the week, and is rented out to clubs on the weekend. It’s not Wembley, but it’s playable. Before the game the away team started to complain that the goals weren’t quite square on to each other. In the past, teams may have joked about this, but there was an edge to the way these players were making these comments, also hinting that it was my fault/problem - they clearly wanted to apportion blame/get their excuses in before we even kicked off. I told them there wasn’t a lot we could do about it - we either accept it, or go home now. “Just saying, ref”. But why even bother just saying. We did kick off and the moaning continued.

This is but one example.

So I do, and did, ask myself why I bother. I made the decision to withdraw myself from my Sunday league (the above was from that league) the ref sec was sorry to see me go, and said the teams would all be disappointed as he only heard good things about me.

Then, on Thursday , I got a text from a skipper/manager from one of the teams asking if I had a game on Sunday as his fixture had no appointed ref - like approx half the games this weekend. As he’s a nice bloke, and his team are generally a good bunch, I’ve agreed to do his game this weekend. We’ll see how it goes. (I also had a look on full time- “my” Saturday league only has about half its games covered this week too.)

Not sure if it’s me or not, but I can’t seem to tune out the 10% who whinge and moan, and that’s a shame for the 90% who do (I think) appreciate what I do. But if Im to fully return to the fold, I need that 90% to be drowning out the 10%.

Top post Jeff.

You're not the only one feels that way. 😉👍
Has it been that bad?

I've had just the one dodgy game behaviour wise this season. Most teams seem to be happy to be back and aren't willing to stick their oar in to ruin things. But, then we've not had football through COVID.

Can't speak for shortages of referees, the numbers I saw released for Wales seems rather healthy for the core tiers above grassroots. Tends to be only the bottom/reserve grassroots and junior games that have to go without, but that's always been the case.
Maybe a weekend of all grass roots referee dropping whistle and taking a stance #themendressedinblacklivesmatter(and women too)
Didn’t refsupport or some such organise a strike a few years ago?

If I recall there wasn’t much take up and nothing changed.
According to Refsupport one team was touring around social media today trying to find an AR for their FA Vase tie!
According to Refsupport one team was touring around social media today trying to find an AR for their FA Vase tie!
2 teams if you read the comments too.
I do find it hard to believe that the FA didn't have anyone, as FA Vase would take precedent they could take anyone off any game...
2 teams if you read the comments too.
I do find it hard to believe that the FA didn't have anyone, as FA Vase would take precedent they could take anyone off any game...
Yep me too. I know of 2 Contrib games in my neck of the woods that had 5-4's on the line. In at least 1 of the cases this was definitely not a referee that is going to be promoted to 4 in the mid season changes.
2 teams if you read the comments too.
I do find it hard to believe that the FA didn't have anyone, as FA Vase would take precedent they could take anyone off any game...
The trouble is that at that time it would be down the CFA to find somebody. But they close there offices at 5.30 on a Friday afternoon !!!!!
One fact also posted is that 45% of the registered referees on North Riding are under 18.

So, most of them not ready for open age football regularly. I don't know how active they are, but unless they stay in grassroots football is in serious trouble.

The problems ex-players no longer taking up refereeing. Numerous reasons - coaching kids, vets football, but without the stream of experienced football, grassroot refereeing is going to continue bro be in trouble.
  • Wow
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One fact also posted is that 45% of the registered referees on North Riding are under 18.

So, most of them not ready for open age football regularly. I don't know how active they are, but unless they stay in grassroots football is in serious trouble.

The problems ex-players no longer taking up refereeing. Numerous reasons - coaching kids, vets football, but without the stream of experienced football, grassroot refereeing is going to continue bro be in trouble.

45% seems a startling number. I didn't register that when I first read the article. I wonder how compares across the country?