What is good for delayed onset muscle soreness?


The avuncular one
After the weekends efforts I am a little bit broken. Due to circumstances beyond my control I wasn't able to follow my usual post match routine (stretch, eat, freezing bath) after a fitness test and shortly after that a match.

I now have serous DOMS in the front muscles of my thighs. It is day 3 so will be easing tomorrow (please!) but does anyone have tips for handling this?
A&H International
you know the unpalatable answer to your question, monkey, rest, rest and more rest
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Getting the blood flowing can help so warm baths as well as keeping active would keep it pumping. It should subside after 72 hours or so.
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I just put some balmosa (chilli muscle cream) on it and it feels better. If you have never tried this stuff and you have a muscle ache/pain the stuff is amazing). Gonna jump in the bath shortly when I can stomach no more of the welsh game.
I have heard for muscles warm treatment is the worst thing you can do. Cold treatment is best as it shuts off blood vessels to muscle and helps it heal
Stretching is also valuable -- but only when the muscles are warm so a short run would do wonders for that. Also consider getting a foam roller.
I have been using the foam roller. Not really helped in this instance. Running ain't gonna happen today - but will take the dog for a long walk later.

It's easing today thank goodness. Fine for Saturday.
I have been using the foam roller. Not really helped in this instance. Running ain't gonna happen today - but will take the dog for a long walk later.

It's easing today thank goodness. Fine for Saturday.

Same as me. Game Sunday morning and just starting starting to ease. Didn't walk down the stairs like a constipated penguin this morning. Bonus.
I used to suffer really badly from this but thankfully less so now, only on occasions. I try to look at various things across a timeframe starting immediately after the match.

If possible immediately after the game, perform a warm down but always stretch, then stretch again and if in doubt stretch a little more! I then use a pair of recovery compression tights (such as Skins RY400). When I get home, I'll generally have an ice/cold water bath for 10-15 mins before putting the compression tights back on.

The next day, I'll do a recovery session. If I'm in the gym then 20 mins either on the bike or the cross trainer followed by copious amounts for stretching and use the foam roller.
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First time in about a year.

I was fine after the fitness test, stretched, ate and was good. Straight into a match within 2 hours and not being able to eat afterwards or having a cold bath for 2 hours and hello pain.

This is a one off situation and I will be thinking carefully about accepting a middle after a fitness test if I am in this situation next year.
And the soreness has eased.... Soooooooo much better - I can lift my legs without having to use my hands to support the movement!

Hot diggity that was 2 pain filled days!
I've had this all week in my calves. Literally to the point I've been unable to train.

Had two games at the weekend. The second i was doing as a favour and had to speed over to. Even my best efforts I'd be 15 mins late for kick off. Which the teams were fine with. Half way there my phone flashes a voicemail saying they'd got a ref. Which was fine. Only problem meant I done hardly any warm down and spent about 40 minutes driving to get home. Been trying all week to ease it and only now do i think tomorrow I'll be better. Its blooming killing me though!
Warm baths and stretches as recommended above. It'll sort you out. Even though mine eased after 3 days, gone by 5 days, I was still leggy on the Saturday for my next game.

Bear with it, it'll be gone soon