The Ref Stop

WRCFA Coloured Shirts

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RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee

Please find attached the procedure for match officials coloured Shirts which the Referees Committee has proposed and approved

In short the procedure will be as follows,

1, BLACK to be worn on all games wherever possible

2, Yellow will be the first default colour

3, A Referee officiating on their own may wear a colour that does not clash with either team or goalkeepers.

4, Whilst working in a team of 3 or 4 All officials must wear the same coloured kit

5, Shorts and socks remain BLACK at all times

Please feel free to contact us if you require any further information

Mark Haywood | Referee Development Officer
The Ref Stop
Got the same email...

Is there a genuine reason why neighbouring county FAs have chosen different colored shirts?
Got the same email...

Is there a genuine reason why neighbouring county FAs have chosen different colored shirts?

That is the major oversight with this. Leagues around me can easily have officials from three completely different counties (London, Essex, Herts, Middlesex, Beds, Berks & Bucks, etc), and those counties can and have chosen different alternative colours. So unless all three officials are from the same CFA, and they have all bought a coloured kit, black will remain as the only option. In my opinion the FA should have set an alternative colour. Also not all kits are the same shade, for example the Nike yellow kit is totally different to the Adidas one, which will look rubbish in a team of three.
That is the major oversight with this. Leagues around me can easily have officials from three completely different counties (London, Essex, Herts, Middlesex, Beds, Berks & Bucks, etc), and those counties can and have chosen different alternative colours. So unless all three officials are from the same CFA, and they have all bought a coloured kit, black will remain as the only option. In my opinion the FA should have set an alternative colour. Also not all kits are the same shade, for example the Nike yellow kit is totally different to the Adidas one, which will look rubbish in a team of three.

Agreed, and this was the biggest problem I had with the proposal.

I could easily get to 5 or 6 different county regions next year each with officials, potentially, from other neighbouring counties. It'll be incredibly hard to manage from a refs point of view, especially as clubs will now expect you (wrongly I know) to change if there's a hint of a clash.

I'm not sure if we'll be forced/encouraged to buy particular colours and makes at level 4, but looking at it as it stands I'll not be buying any new colored kits.
Agreed, and this was the biggest problem I had with the proposal.

I could easily get to 5 or 6 different county regions next year each with officials, potentially, from other neighbouring counties. It'll be incredibly hard to manage from a refs point of view, especially as clubs will now expect you (wrongly I know) to change if there's a hint of a clash.

I'm not sure if we'll be forced/encouraged to buy particular colours and makes at level 4, but looking at it as it stands I'll not be buying any new colored kits.
Although I haven't had anything from Essex yet, I completely agree with this. I'll be going out in black for as long as I can, at the very least long enough for all the kinks to be worked out.
Sussex has come out

Referee Coloured Shirts
The FA Referees’ Committee has decided that each County FA should be allowed to decide, for those leagues or competitions which they organise or sanction, whether or not to permit coloured shirts for referees. The Sussex County FA have decided that any league or competition that applies for their referees to be allowed to wear coloured shirts will be granted.

But - no guidance on the colour of those shirts, so its entirely possible that different leagues under the auspices of the CFA could opt for different alternative colours :(
Looks like my all black with yellow piping kit was ahead of its time... I lent it to someone on the old site and he never returned it though!! Got to watch these Essex refs!!! They are rum uns! :stig:
Looks like my all black with yellow piping kit was ahead of its time... I lent it to someone on the old site and he never returned it though!! Got to watch these Essex refs!!! They are rum uns! :stig:
Having fallen firmly on the side of preferring black tops, I did get the Nike black polo with yellow trim to use as a warm up top and I do quite like that. But I still think majority-black is a far better idea.
2, Yellow will be the first default colour

So in the Yorkshire Pool matches (with Assistants), we have BLACK for all three leagues but options of YELLOW for West Yorkshire matches and GREEN for York League matches. ERCFA have said BLACK is the only eligible top for their matches.

There you go @es1 @Darius - you know what your next birthday / Christmas presents are :)
I'm not sure if we'll be forced/encouraged to buy particular colours and makes at level 4, but looking at it as it stands I'll not be buying any new colored kits.

All leagues will still bar clubs from having BLACK or VERY DARK kits, so for supply leagues there will not be a requirment to buy.

BUT what are the Contrib level going to do? Some eager L3 may want to wear his nice new coloured top and when you say as the assistant "SORRY, I only have black kit" Mr GRUMPTY turns up :mad:

It will be like the old days - two of you have shorted sleeved tops, one has brought his long sleeved top - all wear long-sleeved top regardless of weather.
i will continue to be a scrooge about this...(plus i'm getting a child as a present for my next birthday, as my wife keeps reminding me)

i think it's poor form for neighbouring / all counties to select different coloured tops, just choose one for the whole country and be done with it! i wear both short and long sleeves so will need a minimum of 4 new tops to 'fit in', plus the coloured undershirts which i should buy so the players can't complain.

As you say, imagine turning up at Marske Utd (who play in navy blue - or anywhere else) and being the only official without a coloured top?
All leagues will still bar clubs from having BLACK or VERY DARK kits
:D Just like they do now. Except when they don't. And then those clubs complain about the ref being in black confusing their players, and ask if the ref can wear a bib.
just choose one for the whole country and be done with it!
There _is_ one colour for the whole country, and it is black. But I agree, one alternative would be great (hey, they could even specify Pantone code so kit suppliers could all conform). I'm not against coloured kits (OK, I do believe that shorts and socks should be black), just a little consistency in rolling out the change would be nice.

Also, black kit doesn't show the creases and stains as much as lighter coloured kits do, for those whose kit lives between matches in a carrier bag in the boot of the car.
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Not heard anything from Kent on this matter, so might end up waiting until when/if I get my various competition rules for next season.

Should be fun 4 (possibly 5) leagues, 2 of which cover multiple counties. Not including county games I may get appointed to.
Wrcfa have set up an online shop where it will cost 36/32 quid for the new shirt (long/short sleeved) with the CFA badge
I don't think so.

This is a good attempt to at least get all officials kitted up in the same stuff. Won't happen mind
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