Leicester Arsenal - Red Card

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A&H International
I'd want to see it from other angles before agreeing, but from that very poor video it looks like a caution.
Distance to goal could be the only problem but at this level you would think it is GSO. The only other defender is level but has longer distance to run to the ball/goal. I dont have an issue with red.

I'd lean towards red. The video sometimes "lies" in situations like this because within about one second of the attacker being pulled down, you see the defender run into view. However, if he wasn't pulled down, the attacker likely gets to the ball two or three steps ahead of the defender and approaches the top of the penalty area with only the keeper to beat.
Surely a player purely sprinting can run faster than a striker sprinting with a ball to control? Yellow for me!
Wenger thought it was a free-kick to Arsenal.
Seriously, the key word is 'obvious' and I dont think this is, yellow.
Red card for me.

We need to find excuses not to send him off, that for me is an obvious chance to score a goal, denied to him by the defender
From the video that doesn’t look like a red to me, it’s quite far out and I think there would be more than enough time for the covering defender to intercept.
From the video that doesn’t look like a red to me, it’s quite far out and I think there would be more than enough time for the covering defender to intercept.

This is about 1.5 seconds after the attacker won the ball and the defender started to pull him down. If he wasn't fouled, the attacker is already on the ball and has probably taken another touch. The defender is only appearing to cover because his teammate pulled him down.

From the stills it looks more red than yellow to me. The covering defender is very wide and static, whereas the attacker would have been moving at speed centrally towards goal. I don't think he would have even got close to catching him personally, but I'll caveat that by saying I still haven't seen a proper replay of it.
Red card for me.

We need to find excuses not to send him off, that for me is an obvious chance to score a goal, denied to him by the defender
Interesting mindset. I was always taught that we should use the minimum intervention necessary to sort out a particular situation.

For what it's worth, I'm sitting completely on the fence and backing whatever decision the ref makes on this one .. can see the arguments both ways
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