A&H International
There is that, also, possible, the first pulling is by blue player but given its been deemed a free kick, DOGSO??
I'd want to be reasonably certain before dismissing a player. If i wasn't certain, i'd need an assistant to be sure instead. Both players were arguably pulling; and like you say, the first contact could have been given as a defensive free kick
Yeah if anything it’s a defensive free kick but hard to see - if you’re giving an attacking free kick I think it has to be DOGSO - ball under control, going towards goal, don’t think any defenders will be able to get back. Only thing that makes me a bit hesitant is the distance but I’m ok with red here
If the referee considers this foul by red team expectation here is DOGSO.
Not only is that my opinion but a recent video circulated to l3s and 4s on hive was a very close copy to this, in fact this has a little more going for it in that there is no on-rushing keeper adding doubt to "likelihood of regaining possession" and the expectation of the FA was that it should be red card - DOGSO.

Edit: I have said clip but cannot upload the file type.
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If the referee considers this foul by red team expectation here is DOGSO.
Not only is that my opinion but a recent video circulated to l3s and 4s on hive was a very close copy to this, in fact this has a little more going for it in that there is no on-rushing keeper adding doubt to "likelihood of regaining possession" and the expectation of the FA was that it should be red card - DOGSO.

Edit: I have said clip but cannot upload the file type.
What is 'hive'?
A new learning platform for level 4 and above refs from the FA. Its a library of documents and videos for discussions/clarifications etc.

Its really new and was trialled last season with 2as and 2bs so it may make it down to 5-9s.

Here it is. Not exactly the same but very similar. The fa said....
This is a clip which reinforced the need for you as the Referee to be alert and aware at all times. Prepared at any stage to be in the best position possible, to ensure you get a key decision correct.

In this clip we see the red team regain possession quickly and as such launch a counter attack. A careless foul challenge is then made by the white defender which leaves you as the Referee with a decision to make on whether or not the foul by white defender has taken away a clear and obvious goalscoring opportunity ?

In this scenario, your fall back has to always be the laws of the game where there are 4 key considerations for you to apply as the Referee:

Does the player have control of the ball
Direction of play
Distance from Goal
Location and proximity of defenders

It is crucial that in order to get this decision correct you as the Referee take a snapshot of the incident and place that image of the offence in your mind as the picture in front of you will quickly change which will naturally then distort your decision making.

In this clip, the red player is already in possession of the ball and is likely to retain that possession had the foul not have been committed. He is running directly towards goal in a central area. Whilst the distance from goal is to be questioned, it is clear that had the foul not occurred he would have had a clear run on goal and would not be caught by any defenders as their location and proximity is too far away to catch the attacking player and thus prevent a goal scoring opportunity. Our expectation here would therefore be that the white defender is sent off for the denial of a goalscoring opportunity
Regarding the OP, don't think any of us would oppose the DOGSO, it's just a debate over whether it's a foul
The Hive clip is a red card. Can't see why there'd be any debate on that one. Still, easy for a ref to trip up on, so to speak
If we set aside the argument about who fouled who and whether it was even a foul, once the decision has been made then it's DOGSO for me.
Regarding the OP, don't think any of us would oppose the DOGSO, it's just a debate over whether it's a foul
The Hive clip is a red card. Can't see why there'd be any debate on that one. Still, easy for a ref to trip up on, so to speak
It's a great example of why learning materials such as this are so valuable. Because (surprisingly for me) around 25% of the L4's who commented on the clip were recommending Yellow, largely because of the distance to the goal
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The distance from goal has been mentioned in some general football forums but I don't see a case to use that argument against DOGSO in this scenario. A world class sprinter can run 10 metres in 1 second. A footballer may not be quite so quick but he is still a professional athlete and within a very short time he is in a position to have a shot at goal from at least the edge of the penalty area. The attacker also has a 10-15 head start on the player coming across from the Aberdeen right.
When considering DOGSO, do we also need to consider the standard of football we are officiating on?

When I’m right down in the roots and weeds of grassroots football, I’m not sure I’d back many players to carry the ball a third of the length of the pitch and then beat the keeper.

Should I be factoring this in? Genuine question.

When considering DOGSO, do we also need to consider the standard of football we are officiating on?

When I’m right down in the roots and weeds of grassroots football, I’m not sure I’d back many players to carry the ball a third of the length of the pitch and then beat the keeper.

Should I be factoring this in? Genuine question.

And it's a good one.

Nothing in the laws say that we should so that means we ought not to. I think this is fair as players have varying degrees of ability in one game on opposing teams for example.

If we counted ability it might be a DOGSO for one player on one team and not for the other so I think its important you just use the guidance from the book.
My gut feeling is saying this isn't DOSGO. I'm not convinced it is anyway, I don't think he's going to get into a good position if he gets beyond that defender and I have half an eye on the defender coming over to cover up top, I dunno it just doesn't scream DOSGO for me - mind you I share @Big Cat 's first impression it might not even be a foul...

@JamesL 's clip is a pretty easy DOSGO though, clean on, two supporting strikers, no chance any defender is getting near him.
This clip clearly shows the shirt pull by the attacker. Got to be a defensive DFK as the pull/hold by the attacker stops the defender playing the ball.
Then I think it's a dive - yellow for simulation anyone?

And then, if you want an attacking free kick... yes DOGSO... but that outcome would be a terrible miscarriage here!