Coin toss

I havent really ever put much thought into this. I used to get 1 captain to toss, 1 to call. More recently I just get away team to call. However, the lotg gives no direction as to who calls, it just says the referee tosses a coin. Therefore its starting to seem to me that nobody has a choice and the referee should allocate a coin side and toss it.

Probably thinking about this way too much.

Have you got a location of where you found that the referee tosses the coin in the LOTG? Just had a look but I could only find references to the winner, not the toss taker
A&H International
Have you got a location of where you found that the referee tosses the coin in the LOTG? Just had a look but I could only find references to the winner, not the toss taker
Thats a good point..getting confused with KFTPM which dictates referee tosses coin.

Seems I am over thinking it. I'll just carry on as I am then lol
I generally get home team to call heads or tails in the air whilst I toss the coin.
Literally the least significant law you will apply in 90 odd minutes of football. I dont even toss the coin i just put it on the back of my left hand and ask home team to call. Crack on!!
Not meant in any malice @Referee117 just the way i (in recent weeks) have started to do it.

That's how it's taught in West Wales, or it was last season when I took an extra practical session. Bring the captains in, home team takes the toss, away calls, you witness it and above all else ensure they don't drop the coin on the ground. Job done. :)
Will a contactless card suffice?

Or ask the captains to guess how many seconds I'll really allow for the GK to release the ball. Nearest guess chooses ends.
Or if you want them to give you a completely random number, ask them how many laws does laws of football have.