The Ref Stop


The Ref Stop
Agree, am not really wanting to award this foul but yes, you can
Good back up flag by AR also
And very much correct and pleasing quick 2nd yellow.
Oh dear.
This was a dive.
I mean, we have the benefit of video here - but absolutely no way does that contact bring somebody down. There's also the throwing back of the head - that has nothing to do with the contact - and he's mimicking the card before he has even hit the deck. What happened to that being a card?

Instead of a yellow card for the diving, we now have an incorrect foul awarded. Given the situation - if you award the foul, you have to award the card. And the 2nd YC for dissent, really glad to see that - it's the player's own actions.

But this has all come off the back of the ref / AR being conned by a dive (playing on mute so I'm not sure who actually called for this one - if it was the ref then one wonders what the AR would have called if left to his own devices. In situations like this the AR is often in the best position to be able to say it wasn't a foul).

Love love love to see this. It’s exactly what we need. I’m alright with a foul here, given the pace they’re going at, the arm on his shoulder is enough to unbalance him
Amazing how football players seem to have much more delicate balance than players in other team sports. This amount of contact wouldn't bring a player down in any game that doesn't have diving.
Good back up flag by AR also.
Havent watched the clip. But I am guessing AR flags after ref whistles?
If so, this is no longer supported practise in England, it seems. Seen a few lads picked up for it. If ref gives it, ref gives it, there is no need to get involved. ARs are only expected to flag for their own decisions.
Thinking about it, I get the impression they are cutting down on flag use in general with not wanting obvious goal kicks and such flagged etc.
Wait, there appears as ever to be more too it...
Catching up on bbc sport, the player appears to have been victim of racist chanting, so its safe to say whats happened here is the player has applauded the referee for being able to give a soft foul and a caution to him, but indicated that the referee is not so alert to whats been going on, as it seems according to the bbc report, Napoli attempted to get the game halted a few times due to the abuse
Still a double yellow indeed but it does not tell the full story

Will prob find now if the bbc report is accurate that the referee team will be asked for their observations and input re not halting the game...
Havent watched the clip. But I am guessing AR flags after ref whistles?
If so, this is no longer supported practise in England, it seems. Seen a few lads picked up for it. If ref gives it, ref gives it, there is no need to get involved. ARs are only expected to flag for their own decisions.
Thinking about it, I get the impression they are cutting down on flag use in general with not wanting obvious goal kicks and such flagged etc.

I cant tell if its before, during or after the whistle but it certainly makes the overall decision credible, had AR not flagged folk would have been a bit miffed

The day is coming when AR at top level no longer has flag, just the stick, like the AAR...
Good call but one observation is modern GK's punching or flapping at the ball instead of trying to catch it. It instantly gives the opponents an second chance!! Not quite why they seem to want to do it all the time?? Seems to be creeping to here as well!
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It wasn't a foul in a million years, watch the second angle of it, you've been conned!
Same game? 'Ultra' fan mown down and killed by a Napoli people carrier outside the stadium... and deafening monkey chants by Inter fans for Napoli full-back...
And FIFA still think football's problems reside inside our four shores. At least Blatter did
Same game? 'Ultra' fan mown down and killed by a Napoli people carrier outside the stadium... and deafening monkey chants by Inter fans for Napoli full-back...
And FIFA still think football's problems reside inside our four shores. At least Blatter did

Went to San Siro 99 when their fans drove on bikes with studded belts bashing everything in sight