Iran Vs Japan - karma at AFC Cup semi final

Of course you would need to guess at what he was saying, as I dont watch Emerdale unless am visiting my grans.
But it be clased as dissent all the same.

... it'd be sort of garbled and incoherent with loads of apostrophes in it. Probably mention of a whippet in there somewhere as well. ;) :D
You could always just go home and watch a few episodes of "Last of The Summer Wine" to help you with filling out the discipline report. ... :p :D
A&H International

Dissent with a Yorkshire accent - why it's practically OFFINABUS. ;):D
Of course you would need to guess at what he was saying, as I dont watch Emerdale unless am visiting my grans.
But it be clased as dissent all the same.
... it'd be sort of garbled and incoherent with loads of apostrophes in it. Probably mention of a whippet in there somewhere as well. ;):D
You could always just go home and watch a few episodes of "Last of The Summer Wine" to help you with filling out the discipline report. ... :p:D
And it would still be nearer the Queen's English than anything uttered north of the border and as for you Kes, I'm surprised you haven't been murdered in an episode or 'Midsummer'.....I feel a plot line forming already.........😄
And it would still be nearer the Queen's English than anything uttered north of the border and as for you Kes, I'm surprised you haven't been murdered in an episode or 'Midsummer'.....I feel a plot line forming already.........😄

No one down here up to it mate ...;) :D
Anyway if you had seen the live coverage, the referee went for his earpiece almost immediately after giving the decision and saw players coming at him. More like a case of I'm going to check this on the screen no matter what the VAR tells me.

This is nothing more than wild speculation. Every PK gets looked at in the booth. The booth should have been immediately telling him they were reviewing, so there is no basis to conclude anything from his hand at the earpiece. (Indeed, even if the hand went to the earpiece to quell dissent, that hardly means he has no intention of taking the video review seriously--these guys get evaluated on the decisions they make after seeing the video.)

I absolutely think this is a case of different interpretations of deliberate on a sliding player between the VAR and the R. It is an interesting play because the video is crystal clear on what actually happened (unlike some), and we see the well trained VAR saying its clearly not a PK (the standard for sending it down) and the R rejecting that perspective. To me this is an example of where VR is not enhancing consistency so much as highlighting the lack thereof.

(What is most fair here is certainly debatable. But figuring out where his arm "should" be on an awkward slide like that is tough--it is all but impossible to put the arm behind the back on a slide.)
Maybe we could do away with dissent cards and bring the stick back instead, I certainly got it at school and look how good I turned out!! :)

Enjoy this scene from Kes!!!

Maybe this was for another thread on the decline in Yoof standards since we abolished corporal punishment and national service!!!