The Ref Stop


It's not an accusation. It's clear and obvious they're not doing their job properly.

It's an accusation that the VARs aren't doing their job because they were distracted by eating.

Sticking their oar in when the referee's decision is wrong... What's wrong with that?

Where did I say I had a problem with VAR getting involved when they need to, such as in the case of a clear and obvious error?

What I have a problem with is the constant whinging about VAR regardless of what they do.

You can't complain about VAR making correct calls on encroachment at a penalty kick or close offside decsion, and then complain when they set a higher bar for VAR getting involved when there may have been a clear and obvious error.

You know what would have worked in this situation? The VAR recommending an on field review, the referee could have gone over spent maybe 30 seconds (if that) reviewing the challenge and then(hopefully) come to the correct decision

But no, people didn't want on field reviews because it ruins the flow of the game, so the EPL are doing their best to avoid them.

But now people aren't happy with that despite that being exactly what they wanted.
The Ref Stop
It's an accusation that the VARs aren't doing their job because they were distracted by eating.
If they were distracted by eating, that would at least be an explanation for not doing their job.

You can't complain about VAR making correct calls on encroachment at a penalty kick or close offside decision, and then complain when they set a higher bar for VAR getting involved when there may have been a clear and obvious error.

Why not? We're complaining the "bar" is so high that it's pointless.
I think some people are just very much against VAR and whatever form it took they would criticise it (unless it got 100% accuracy whilst avoiding any delays, maintaining the natural flow and dynamic, and upholding the 'spirit of the game' which is pretty much impossible.

I do think that the PL can make improvements to their use of VAR but I think that would be the case however they implemented it. I think the principle of their approach is a reasonable one - they just aren't quite executing it correctly because they are failing to correct some obvious mistakes.
I think some people are just very much against VAR and whatever form it took they would criticise it (unless it got 100% accuracy whilst avoiding any delays, maintaining the natural flow and dynamic, and upholding the 'spirit of the game' which is pretty much impossible.

I do think that the PL can make improvements to their use of VAR but I think that would be the case however they implemented it. I think the principle of their approach is a reasonable one - they just aren't quite executing it correctly because they are failing to correct some obvious mistakes.
That's a fair assessment, but they can't correct mistakes until they've made them.

It's going to take a few years to get it right, or as right as they can.
They could get it right.... right now..... do their job and stop trying to not make the SG look like plonkers!!!
Var was supposed to put errors right, we’ve got it tied in knots so it can’t... So what’s the actual point.
The protocol is not perfect but it is pretty much there. Is it really too much to ask for at least one league to get it right?

The philosophy of VAR is “minimum interference – maximum benefit”. Up til EPL, in practice it has been “a lot of interference – good benefit”. EPL have changed it to “minimum interference – some benefit”. Just get it right already. I don't see how hard it can be with all the money and resources being thrown at it.

Rant over.
”Don’t break the team” is a big deal and something of a mantra if I understand correctly (at least it was the main message I got from an ex-prem ref and current Champo linestrutter).
I was surprised that there wasn't a VAR review when Dele Alli got tackled just inside the PA during a free kick. Sure looked like a PK to me (and I really don't have a preference for either team). Very understandable that CR might have missed it as it was to the left of where his view would likely have been for the play into the area off the free kick. Sure looked like a C&O missed PK call to me from the other side of the pond :)
The protocol is not perfect but it is pretty much there. Is it really too much to ask for at least one league to get it right?

The philosophy of VAR is “minimum interference – maximum benefit”. Up til EPL, in practice it has been “a lot of interference – good benefit”. EPL have changed it to “minimum interference – some benefit”. Just get it right already. I don't see how hard it can be with all the money and resources being thrown at it.

Rant over.

Some benefit? Struggling to find any VAR decision that has been both correct and wanted. No one cares about millimetres from an offside - people want things like clear penalties looked at again.
Some benefit? Struggling to find any VAR decision that has been both correct and wanted. No one cares about millimetres from an offside - people want things like clear penalties looked at again.
I was feeling generous at the time ;)
People are getting confused again.

VAR is not and never has been about what people want, it is only about what the club's want.

An offside decision that is incorrect by millimetres could cost a club a match, which could cost them millions of pounds.

The club's want those offside decisions caught (when it's in their favour). They also want to be able to retake a penalty if the goal keeper is off his line by a centimeter.

The sooner people accept that VAR is nothing to do with the fans, and that the club's don't care if it ruins your enjoyment the better.
Some benefit? Struggling to find any VAR decision that has been both correct and wanted. No one cares about millimetres from an offside - people want things like clear penalties looked at again.
Agreed, except that the pitch side monitor is the fly in the ointment again
People are getting confused again.

VAR is not and never has been about what people want, it is only about what the club's want.

An offside decision that is incorrect by millimetres could cost a club a match, which could cost them millions of pounds.

The club's want those offside decisions caught (when it's in their favour). They also want to be able to retake a penalty if the goal keeper is off his line by a centimeter.

The sooner people accept that VAR is nothing to do with the fans, and that the club's don't care if it ruins your enjoyment the better.
Do you have a 'hot line' the the 'clubs' then?
Agreed, except that the pitch side monitor is the fly in the ointment again

Do you have a 'hot line' the the 'clubs' then?

Make your mind up, at first you were happy that the EPL weren't going to use the pitch side monitor, now you're complaining that they didn't use it.

Of course I don't, but I'm not an idiot. If the club's cared about whether VAR would hamper the fans enjoyment of the game then they would have put pressure on IFAB, through the national FAs to change the way it would be used.

Club's care about one thing, and one thing only and that is making money.

If a club lose a match because a penalty was saved or missed when the keeper was 1cm off their line before the ball was kicked, that could cost them money, so the club's want those decisions to be caught.

The same as conceding a goal when the striker was 1cm offside could cost them a match, which could cost them money. So they want those to be caught aswell.

Of course they also want missed red cards to be caught, which didn't happen in this occasion, but when PGMOL decide to do their own thing, rather than just follow the protocol set out by IFAB of course there are going to to be problems.

Man City won't care if some people stop buying tickets, because there are thousands of people out there who will still happily pay stupid amounts of money to go to a match.

Even if people don't renew season tickets it won't bother them as there are huge waiting lists for seasons tickets so there'll always be someone to take up the no free season ticket.
Not replying to any particular post here...
We knew that the PGMOL were intent on limiting the use of the OFR (and some of were enthused by this), what we didn't realise is that the limit would be zero. It's not that the VAR doesn't think some of these incidents worthy of review, it's the fact that they are simply unwilling to repeat the pantomime seen elsewhere with the OFR
So we're stuck between a rock and a hard place
1) The EPL will continue to ignore anything remotely subjective, which requires an OFR (and we just get used to all of those incidents being ignored)
2) The refs start using the OFR and the pantomime resumes (this is my least preferred option)
Now, given that the PGMOL have effectively made a mockery of the protocol (a vote of no confidence shall we say), where will ignoring the rules stop? I feel like football is a game with no rules. Aspects of the LOTG are routinely ignored and now we have huge regionalisation with VAR
A process which was meant to improve accuracy (and I think it's only achieved this in some respects like offside) has only served to intensify controversy whilst arguably damaging the dynamics of the game. As FIFA/IFAB are hardly likely to admit incompetence and reverse direction, I can only see one eventual outcome... the VAR refereeing the game remotely
Not replying to any particular post here...
We knew that the PGMOL were intent on limiting the use of the OFR (and some of were enthused by this), what we didn't realise is that the limit would be zero. It's not that the VAR doesn't think some of these incidents worthy of review, it's the fact that they are simply unwilling to repeat the pantomime seen elsewhere with the OFR
So we're stuck between a rock and a hard place
1) The EPL will continue to ignore anything remotely subjective, which requires an OFR (and we just get used to all of those incidents being ignored)
2) The refs start using the OFR and the pantomime resumes (this is my least preferred option)
Now, given that the PGMOL have effectively made a mockery of the protocol (a vote of no confidence shall we say), where will ignoring the rules stop? I feel like football is a game with no rules. Aspects of the LOTG are routinely ignored and now we have huge regionalisation with VAR
A process which was meant to improve accuracy (and I think it's only achieved this in some respects like offside) has only served to intensify controversy whilst arguably damaging the dynamics of the game. As FIFA/IFAB are hardly likely to admit incompetence and reverse direction, I can only see one eventual outcome... the VAR refereeing the game remotely
Was it established that offside can be judged that accurately if the frame speed can't actually distinguish "the moment" the ball is played?
I can never understand why some members pour over the detail of the protocol, because its never been worth the paper its written on

Some of us pore over the protocol because if you don't know what it says, then you can make all kinds of errors (one might even say, "clear and obvious" errors) in making judgements about it. The number of times I've seen people on here say stuff about VAR that is just completely wrong (because they think the protocol contains things that it doesn't or vice versa) is probably into the dozens already.

It's similar to the situation (that often draws derision on here) where various commentators or pundits on TV make completely nonsensical statements because they just don't know what the wording of the law actually is - more often than not, preceded by the words, "according to the letter of the law."