The Ref Stop

Replies from Local Leagues


New Member
Level 8 Referee
I have recently passed my ref course and have emailed a couple of local leagues to get into their referees list and have not heard from them. Its been two weeks now. Are the response always delayed or am I doing something wrong??
The Ref Stop
Keep trying. Also why dont you post your general location you will find that if there are other members on this forum in your area will happily offer advice and contact names. If your in Suffolk or close message me directly and I can point you in the right direction
I have recently passed my ref course and have emailed a couple of local leagues to get into their referees list and have not heard from them. Its been two weeks now. Are the response always delayed or am I doing something wrong??
I had the same issue when I first qualified. Fortunately, I knew enough people in the game that it didn't stop me in my tracks
It's disgraceful that RefSecs volunteer for a role and then don't fulfil a basic requirement. I suspect that many new referees are lost at the first hurdle

You ought to find it easier to get games in Youth Football to begin with BTW
Might be getting caught by their e-mail spam filters?

Ring them. Especially if they're a bit on the elderly side.
I had the same issue when I first qualified. Fortunately, I knew enough people in the game that it didn't stop me in my tracks
It's disgraceful that RefSecs volunteer for a role and then don't fulfil a basic requirement. I suspect that many new referees are lost at the first hurdle

You ought to find it easier to get games in Youth Football to begin with BTW

Not sure you can use the word disgraceful with anyone that is a volunteer, by definition they are giving up their own time to enable participation for others. He might be on holiday, heck he might even be quarantined on a cruise ship somewhere ;)

I've had several stints as a RefsSec and it is a thankless role. You spend a huge amount of your own time and as thanks just get complaints from clubs who don't like the referees and referees who don't like their appointments. Hence why the turnover of RefsSecs is probably so high, let's share a bit of love with them ...! I took referee coverage up from 28% when I took over to 98% in the first season and kept it at that level, but still got a load of grief. Remember it isn't a job and they will usually have full time employment, when I was doing it I frequently worked away, including in Asia for several weeks at a time, and whilst I'd deal with urgent things like appointments during that time I wouldn't be dealing with less urgent things until I got home, and sadly new referees fall into that category.

In terms of the OP, as others have said, give him or her a call.
Not sure you can use the word disgraceful with anyone that is a volunteer, by definition they are giving up their own time to enable participation for others. He might be on holiday, heck he might even be quarantined on a cruise ship somewhere ;)

I've had several stints as a RefsSec and it is a thankless role. You spend a huge amount of your own time and as thanks just get complaints from clubs who don't like the referees and referees who don't like their appointments. Hence why the turnover of RefsSecs is probably so high, let's share a bit of love with them ...! I took referee coverage up from 28% when I took over to 98% in the first season and kept it at that level, but still got a load of grief. Remember it isn't a job and they will usually have full time employment, when I was doing it I frequently worked away, including in Asia for several weeks at a time, and whilst I'd deal with urgent things like appointments during that time I wouldn't be dealing with less urgent things until I got home, and sadly new referees fall into that category.

In terms of the OP, as others have said, give him or her a call.
Some valid and fair points
My wording was OTT
Just stemmed from the frustration I encountered with perceived apathy. It seemed plain rude at the time... I'm talking emails and voicemails over weeks and weeks