Southampton v Newcastle


RefChat Addict
Anyone watching?

Should VAR have got the middle man to view the angle we saw via replay?
I thought the Newcastle player was careless with the challenge, got Walcott and then the ball, in that order.
I'm not suggesting because he didn't get the ball first its a foul, im suggesting, in my opinion, it was careless.
A&H International
Its a penalty all day long, it was careless, reckless, aggressive with studs leading..... I cant understand why VAR didn't either call it themselves or send the Ref to view it.
That's the sort of tackle on a Sunday that leads to confrontations and if you don't give a foul everyone is going to go in the same and someone is getting injured and the Ref getting the blame.
I think all honesty they didn’t give it because the reaction from the Southampton players was barely there and everyone originally thought it was a good tackle where the replays who it wasn’t but as St. John said has to be a penalty IMO can’t go in like that not expecting to give away a penalty
I think all honesty they didn’t give it because the reaction from the Southampton players was barely there and everyone originally thought it was a good tackle where the replays who it wasn’t but as St. John said has to be a penalty IMO can’t go in like that not expecting to give away a penalty

And Walcott, the player potentially fouled, said in his post match interview that it definitely wasn't a penalty.
And Walcott, the player potentially fouled, said in his post match interview that it definitely wasn't a penalty.
Good on him it’s nice for players to be honest I think that it could have been given lunging in like that is asking for it but with the original touch of the ball first and even though the studs were showing he avoided contact with the studs it would’ve been a harsh decisions but maybe defenders should make our job easier and dare I say it... stay on their feet🤣
It makes no difference what Walcott said after the game. He would've been singing a different tune had the incident had affected the result. He's a footballer FGS, that's what they do/say
Even though I don't care (about EPL football) a fraction of what I once did, the replays were like watching Halloween on Halloween
This was an easy tackle to make, but Lascelles went in with no coordination. What he lacks in ability, he makes up for in effort, but all too frequently this results in scruffy tackles that are reckless or out of control
This was a mess of a challenge. He barely made contact with the ball, had far too much momentum beyond it and it was only for the grace of good fortune, that Walcott didn't have the rest of the year on the sidelines
A PK all day long and a minimum of YC for RP. Another unfathomable VAR incident that casts deep questions regarding the referees behind it
I could live with the OFR not giving the spot kick, but Smith (commentating) was wincing throughout the replays for bloody good reason
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