Kicking ball away


Hello everyone!
What is everyone’s view on players kicking the ball away, do you go for straight yellow or a warning first! I have one today for a player doing it for a second time, although thinking back I could’ve nipped it in the bud with an instant one straight away, obviously easy to look back and think that! I think at the moment I’m abit lenient with cards as have just started doing some u18 games. Orange card challenge with 5 seconds to go and I gave yellow, 13 games in still learning!
A&H International
Hello everyone!
What is everyone’s view on players kicking the ball away, do you go for straight yellow or a warning first! I have one today for a player doing it for a second time, although thinking back I could’ve nipped it in the bud with an instant one straight away, obviously easy to look back and think that! I think at the moment I’m abit lenient with cards as have just started doing some u18 games. Orange card challenge with 5 seconds to go and I gave yellow, 13 games in still learning!
With that age group, this type of offence is endemic. Try whistling for the offence then immediately call "Leave the ball"
Similarly at a throw or corner kick, signal and then "Leave the ball" sets them up for a caution if they are silly.
Every game is a learning opportunity👍
Thank you for your advice! Will defo take that into next week, think it being a cup game made it a bit worse as the opposing team were chasing the game and getting frustrated!
Hands up, even at senior level I am looking to manage this where I can.

Obviously the ridiculous, the blatant, that gets dealt with but, things like player taking shot after whistle for offside etc try and manage that where possible.
I'm with @JamesL here. If you look at the good book for what you can caution for - kicking the ball away is not stated in the laws except as being under "delaying the restart"

So you need to decide whether the player has done it to delay the restart - considerations here are match score, time of the game, is the team that has the restart looking to get the game going quickly or not?

Consider the following scenarios:

a) Foul committed by the attacking team, defending team wants to get the ball down quick to play and the attacker knocks the ball back 5 yards.

B) foul committed by attacking team, defending team places the ball and the GK jogs slowly the 20 yards to take the free kick. Whilst the keeper is still jogging back, the attacker knocks the ball back 5 yards.

In a) attacker is getting a yellow, in b) I'm managing it.

Obviously if the player hoofs it miles, it's an easy sell either for delaying the restart OR if it's accompanied by a loud expletive, potentially dissent.
I have cautioned, more than once, a player from a team leading the game, who kicked the ball away clearly in protest of a decision against him for dissent. Even though it delayed the restart, I made it clear it was for dissent. If sin bin in play, it is (in most cases) the more serious offence.
I have cautioned, more than once, a player from a team leading the game, who kicked the ball away clearly in protest of a decision against him for dissent. Even though it delayed the restart, I made it clear it was for dissent. If sin bin in play, it is (in most cases) the more serious offence.
I think this is the most confusing aspect for participants.
I used that example I gave as it happened in my game on Sat.

I got a little bit of stick for it because "that's a sin bin ref" despite it not being done in dissent to a decision, just being a prat after the whistle had gone and well he had almost wound the shot up when I blew.
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I think this is the most confusing aspect for participants.
I used that example I gave as it happened in my game on Sat.

I got a little bit of stick for it because "that's a sin bin ref" despite it not being done in dissent to a decision, just being a prat after the whistle had gone and well he had almost wound the shot up when I blew.
Sure. And in some cases it's done knowingly but it's clear its 'intent' is not either dissent or delaying the restart. It's somewhere between being mischievous, reaction in being disappointed in themselves, to show what could have been or something similar. If the game doesn't need a yellow, why take it out. Save it for a time it can help you control the game without negatively impacting it.