Team sheet issue, sin bin


New Member
So had an open age game today and gave one sin bin. I took the name of the guy, his number etc.
I sat at home to put it on wholegame and looking at team sheet I see the name is not corresponding with the number.

I'm kinda annoyed with myself for not double checking it after the game. Name he's given me is on team sheet but with different number. Since it's only sin bin, I'm slightly less bothered but any advice how to avoid it in the future? Double check right after the game and if I see the issue to speak with the manager etc?

Now I'm questioning myself whether they mixed up numbers on shirts or the guy was taking the piss 🤷
A&H International
I had something similar today actually. Cautioned a player and the name he gave me didn't match his number on the teamsheet. In the end it didn't matter because I put it through on WGS as the name he gave me, and put that the club had an inaccurate teamsheet on my match report.

So always ask a player for their name when cautioning unless you're 100% certain the teamsheet is accurate. On the course we're taught to isolate the player, ask for the name and then show the card. I've found that always helps and avoids any teamsheet issues
The games that I referee sometimes, we don’t have teamsheets - therefore, I will be putting whatever name is given to me into WGS and moving on.

I don’t bother hanging around at the end of the game to check names etc, the less I can speak to the managers the better, especially if I have carded a load of their players.

I would do what AmitM has done. Good advice.
That makes sense. I'll do that. I'm gonna keep the team sheet as well as I'm expected to anyways. If club complains I'll put it back to them that this is the name I was given by their player 🤷
Always take the name, always report the name given

Check teamsheets after game to ensure player is on there, ultimately the number against them isn't always reliable (check competition rules if it is a requirement that numbers are correct, and if league asks for them to be reported, then do so)

If name isn't on sheet, also notify appropriate persons that you cautioned a player who wasn't listed on the teamsheet (but still report the name given to you)

We get written teamsheets in the leagues I referee on, I always ask the managers upon my arrival to ensure numbers are correct, captains marked, etc. And ask them again to confirm numbers are correct and check captains, colours, technical area occupants, etc. when they hand them in to me whilst theyre still in the room - but also still check the name with the player when taking disciplinary action.
Now I'm questioning myself whether they mixed up numbers on shirts or the guy was taking the piss 🤷
I've definitely seen this happen before. Player tries to give their number when facing the referee hoping they won't see the number on the back. Very childish but does happen. Always get a look at that number to be 100% sure!

I'm kinda annoyed with myself for not double checking it after the game. Name he's given me is on team sheet but with different number. Since it's only sin bin, I'm slightly less bothered but any advice how to avoid it in the future? Double check right after the game and if I see the issue to speak with the manager etc?
Don't be too hard on yourself. It happens! Definitely double check right after the game next time and discuss with a coach from that team if needed. At the end of the day though, if the name and number don't correspond, just note it in the game report and move on. I think as long as it's reported, you've done your duty.
This happened to me a few weeks ago.

Name given didn't tally with the teamsheet (first name correct surname not)

After going on WGS the name given didn't show up. It was a false name so the club were dealt with.
As someone who has captained and managed grass roots teams, I can say with certainty that there will be mistakes with the shirt numbers on team sheets. You ask players which number they have on and they give you the wrong one, someone is running late and then puts on a different one to which you have allocated to them, I even had one player swap with another after I'd handed in the team sheet because he had a medium and he needed a large.

The key thing is the name, the number is only really needed to make sure you know who they are if you need to issue them a second caution.
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The name is the most important thing here - you did the correct thing.

I am hard of hearing and I insist on teams checking numbers are correct - but I use REFSIX to confirm the name at the time. Quite handy. Had one today who was a totally different number to the sheet, but as long as name correct on REFSIX I just use the ingame number to remind me if it is a second.
The name is the most important thing here - you did the correct thing.

I am hard of hearing and I insist on teams checking numbers are correct - but I use REFSIX to confirm the name at the time. Quite handy. Had one today who was a totally different number to the sheet, but as long as name correct on REFSIX I just use the ingame number to remind me if it is a second.
How do you confirm games on RefSix, I thought you only input numbers?
Nothing to concern yourself with @OP.

Whole Game doesn't ask for player numbers so it's of no consequence. So long as you've got a name that is on the team sheet.
If the player wants to give you a team mate's name, that's up to them. Let the club and league sort that out once you've done your bit online. ;)
Nothing to concern yourself with @OP.

Whole Game doesn't ask for player numbers so it's of no consequence. So long as you've got a name that is on the team sheet.
If the player wants to give you a team mate's name, that's up to them. Let the club and league sort that out once you've done your bit online. ;)
It is annoying though, it's unlikely to be contested by anyone... Sin bins count towards accumulation of cards and suspension, so I think if there is a mismatch in number and name it's best practise to report it.

As a minimum its an incorrect team sheet, and as harsh as it might seem to report people for that sort of stuff, reporting and punishments will help work towards a world where it happens less.
Normally where submission of team sheets is in ROC then there's usually a fine for inaccurate completion/submission.

It does not take more than 30 seconds to say before the game starts to say ref our number 4 are 5 have swapped shirts. Some might avoid it as that can carry a fine but that fine is less than not saying in the first place.
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It is annoying though, it's unlikely to be contested by anyone... Sin bins count towards accumulation of cards and suspension, so I think if there is a mismatch in number and name it's best practise to report it.

As a minimum its an incorrect team sheet, and as harsh as it might seem to report people for that sort of stuff, reporting and punishments will help work towards a world where it happens less.
Normally where submission of team sheets is in ROC then there's usually a fine for inaccurate completion/submission.

It does not take more than 30 seconds to say before the game starts to say ref our number 4 are 5 have swapped shirts. Some might avoid it as that can carry a fine but that fine is less than not saying in the first place.
The last bit works if the players tell you they have switched, if they've done it without then you don't have anything to tell the referee.

That said, agree if there is a mismatch it should be reported, but that is to the league not the CFA.