World Cup Suarez......

4 month world ban and 9 match international ban issued by FIFA. Not enough IMO, should be a 2 year total ban for me
A&H International
The player is a total nut case and in my opinion should of been the full 2 year sentence.
I don't think we will see him play in the premier league again, what club or organisation will back up a player that's had three strikes.
He's been given one final bite of the cherry to change his ways. Lets hope he gets his (horse) head down and gets his teeth into to preparing for next season.

In terms of an appropriate punishment, forgetting suarez or his re-offending, why is biting seen as being worse than a deliberate elbow in the face or a two-footed tackle that could, and has done on occasion, end a player's career.

Social acceptability perhaps playing a part here
What if Suarez had a disease or something that passed through his saliva to chiellinis blood? Mad but possible
And also 2 footers are extreme tackles and tackles are part of the game, elbows used for launch when jumping, biting doesnt really have a use on the FOP haha
The more I hear and read, the more I suspect a conspiracy. Stay with me

Latest reports say that Liverpool are discussing a transfer with Barcelona. Some reports also claim the Catalans had a part in the apology he released. Players have been known to do many things to force or agitate for a move. Could this be one? Biting again, Liverpool find themselves in a difficult position, almost defending the indefensible, so he gambles that they'll decide it best to shift him on for a decent price while they can?
Not sure how I feel about him going. He is world class, but a liability. But (did I mention this?) also world class and on form arguably one of the 3 best (attacking) players in the world.

Can you put a price tag on that?
I probably wouldnt have him in my team to be honest, he may be class and in the top however many in the world, but his liability would take me away from having him as a) it may bring shame on the club, b) if he was out we'd be paying huge wages for what is effectively a trainee, and c) if you dont have him for games then it could affect the chemistry for the team
There were rumours floating round about him going on loan to a club in a league not yet registered with fifa, this would allow him to keep playing until his fifa imposed ban expired. The wage offer was apparently 1,000 pounds per week!!
Yeah it was like some ukrainian league or something that could exploit a loophole in the ban in that the league isnt fifa associated so he could then play
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA, like Suarez would see that as an acceptable wage for his class :rolleyes:

Its still competitive football, it would keep him match fit during the ban, and it wouldnt matter how well he played because he'd be leaving for LFC again in october, id do it if I were him, he'd score loads