First Game


RefChat Addict
Well, the time has finally arrived.

At 10:30 tomorrow I will officiate my first game. I have no idea what to expect in terms of the teams, its a 4th division match and both teams are new to the league so no one can advise what the teams are like.

I think I'm as prepared as I can be, and aside from the fact I seem to be unable to arrange mentoring eveyrthing else is looking positive...
A&H International
Missed this yesterday due to *cough* wales destroying England's World Cup dreams, I mean wales beating England at the rugby.

Hope it's going well mate. Let us know it went.
It definitely went...

Being honest I would rate my performance as 4/5 out of 10. It certainly wasn't the best performance in the world, but I think I didn't do too badly for my first time.

The game itself wasn't particularly bad, a few careless tackles but nothing that would warrant a card.

I did make one howler, but luckily neither team appeared to be that bothered and it didn't affect my match control.

A guy associated with the away team (possibly a coach or someone's dad) was a ref and told them it was my first time, so I suspect this is why they were quite easy on me.

I know I need to work on the following points:
1- positioning
2- confidence and be more assertive
3- communicate my decisions with the players better
4- better use of the whistle

Edit- I think I would have benefited from having a mentor there, but that's the one thing I've had trouble sorting out.

If I can't get a "proper" one sorted for next week I think I'll make my own arrangements, and see if my girlfriends dad (level 5 ref) can come and watch, or if there's anyone from my local RA who'd be willing to help.
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A guy associated with the away team (possibly a coach or someone's dad) was a ref and told them it was my first time, so I suspect this is why they were quite easy on me.
That's lucky. They usually smell blood like sharks in the water!
Seriously though, you should be pleased to get the first game out of the way and progress to the next one. In my experience, I'm always hard on myself for performances so, you might have done better than you think.
Thanks, after the match I spoke to the guy I mentioned earlier, and he said it was ok for a first time. His main points were using the whistle more effectively, not hanging around after making a decision and always making sure any free kicks near close t the area are always done on the whistle.

After the match some of the away team players spoke to me and their main point was confidence and better communication of my decisions with the players so that they know what is going on.
After the match some of the away team players spoke to me and their main point was confidence and better communication of my decisions with the players so that they know what is going on.
On the above point mate ......never ask for or accept feedback from players .....shake the hands .....say well played or unlucky and get out of there .....!

They are a very manipulative bunch ;)
That's lucky. They usually smell blood like sharks in the water!
Seriously though, you should be pleased to get the first game out of the way and progress to the next one. In my experience, I'm always hard on myself for performances so, you might have done better than you think.
No, I find clubs knowing it is your first match are appreciative they have a referee, so one of their own don't have to do it.

@Beezer for you first few matches, take any constructive feedback you get. The players will have seen other referees, know what they want and expect. As long as positively given and helpful, accept it.

@zarathustra - first thing ring your RDO. When you complete the BRC your CFA should have allocated a mentor to you. Find out who this is from your RDO if you don't know. Then I would contact your RA for assistance
Third option, have a word with the Ref Sec as he may have somebody injured who could help.
@Beezer for you first few matches, take any constructive feedback you get. The players will have seen other referees, know what they want and expect. As long as positively given and helpful, accept it
@lincs22 Get your point ..but players telling you to work on your comms and confidence can be taken with a pinch of salt ? is that positive or negative ? Take advice from fellow referees and Mentors not players ?
How ever it went today, this is ground zero. It's all learning and gaining experience from here. Onwards and upwards.

First games are always tough. You will get a damn sight better over the coming season. :) we have all been in your place mate.
No, I find clubs knowing it is your first match are appreciative they have a referee, so one of their own don't have to do it.
Are you picking on me again? It was a light-hearted comment and I did start the next sentence with "Seriously though ..."
Thanks, after the match I spoke to the guy I mentioned earlier, and he said it was ok for a first time. His main points were using the whistle more effectively, not hanging around after making a decision and always making sure any free kicks near close t the area are always done on the whistle.

After the match some of the away team players spoke to me and their main point was confidence and better communication of my decisions with the players so that they know what is going on.
Those are 3 really constructive comments and if you use them, you will find players respond better when you stop the game, are less likely to protest at a decision (because you're not there to moan at) and you exercise greater match control. If the players are willing to give you feedback as well, that's no bad thing either. Not all players are out to get you (just most ;) )
Missed this yesterday due to *cough* wales destroying England's World Cup dreams, I mean wales beating England at the rugby.

Hope it's going well mate. Let us know it went.
I was at Wembley yesterday. Fantastic occasion and result for my wee country.
Thanks guys.
Without trying to come across as too soft, it's good to have a bit of support.

I've tried contacting the RDO again about getting a mentor, so I'll wait to see what he comes back with.

I was lucky that chap was there to give me some advice yesterday, though I'm not sure how succesful I'll be if I can sort a mentor out.

Anyway, now that I've had a bit of time to think about things a bit more, I though I'd share the areas I think I can improve on, and those where I think I did OK

First the things that I could improve:
  1. Positioning - I was generally in a decent position for the majority of my calls, but I need to get further forward for getting offsides correct, which also ties in with being in a better position to see the ARs. I guess this might be one of the things that come with experience.
  2. Being more assertive with my decisions and communcating them clearly with the players.
  3. Confidence to stick with my decision and not to second guess myself.
  4. Better use of the whistle
  5. Better control of things like subs so that it's always one off one on
  6. Better control at corners
Things I think I did ok with:
  1. I think I let the game "flow" quite well, as I said in my previous post, it was a fairly calm match, I gave fouls where I thought they were needed, but when possible let the players get on with the playing.
  2. I think I got 99% of my calls right, as even the players weren't complaigning too much.
On a slight tangent, what's the best way to deal with players questioning a decision?

A couple of times yesterday one guy from the home team shouted "How can that be a foul? He got the ball!" Yesterday I just ignored him, which seemed to work as he never pressed the issue. Is this the right thing to do, or could I have handled it better?
You'll find your own way, it must match your personality.

I'll personally answer their query, and if they still wanna argue it I'll just tell them I gave what I saw. End of.

If it's persistent I'll have a word telling them it's starting to bore me (particularly if it's 60 yards away shouts) and is it worth a tenner?

Take yesterday morning lad playing right back was mouthing off at a corner to his mates 'Surprised it wasn't a penalty' said to just have a pop at me. I just strolled over towards him and informed him that it was hilarious and that he could have that one for free but the next one would cost him a tenner.....no bother afterwards
Well, tomorrow is match number 2, and I have set myself the goals of:
1) Trying to put in place the advice I was given last week
2) Not make the same mistakes I did last week.

I've got a friend who is a ref coming along as well as an unofficial mentor, which will be nice for a bit of morale support.
I've also reached out to my local branch of the RA to see if anyone is willing to give me a hand for the remainder of my matches moving forward.
Well, tomorrow is match number 2, and I have set myself the goals of:
1) Trying to put in place the advice I was given last week
2) Not make the same mistakes I did last week.

I've got a friend who is a ref coming along as well as an unofficial mentor, which will be nice for a bit of morale support.
I've also reached out to my local branch of the RA to see if anyone is willing to give me a hand for the remainder of my matches moving forward.
Reached out? How long are your arms? Do you mean contacted? ;)
Well that's game 2 done...

Again not a great performance by me.

My signals and communication with players was better but still not great.

I might have missed a couple of minor things.

The thing that has really annoyed me is that I was so weak on dissent.

It's was only coming from a couple of players on the away side, but think I definitely could have dealt with it better and quicker.
I've been doing some thinking this afternoon, as well as being a CAR for my girlfriends match.

And I'm contemplating dropping down to the local youth league and putting open age on hold for a while so that I can build up my experience with an "easier" level of football, but I think I will sleep on it and see how I feel.

But after to honest self reflection I've not enjoyed my venture into the referee world.