Andy Townsend!!!


Arran Williams


listening to this actually hurt my ears! sooner he goes the better as he regularly ruins a champions league night!
A&H International
apparently not but it's the way Townsend tries to justify that tackle, even though his co-commentator (i cant put a name to him at the moment) quotes LOTG and suggests maybe that was excessive force
I think his co-commentator was with him at the Man Utd v West Ham match last night, he quoted LOTG a couple of times and even said he had it with him!
Think its Clive Tyldesley. Really rate him as a commentator. Townsend not so much.

"Your studs will naturally be up when you lunge."

Well don't lunge then. Agree with above, definate red for me.

Maybe because Howard played advantage, couldn't go back and send off?

Im still learning though.
Got to be red all day for me. speed, studs and height. Obviously can't have looked as bad from Howard's angle. He never gets anything wrong. Ever!
Think its Clive Tyldesley. Really rate him as a commentator. Townsend not so much.

"Your studs will naturally be up when you lunge."

Well don't lunge then. Agree with above, definate red for me.

Maybe because Howard played advantage, couldn't go back and send off?

Im still learning though.
100% Correct. Can't send off after an advantage, you can only go back and caution.
Think its Clive Tyldesley. Really rate him as a commentator. Townsend not so much.

"Your studs will naturally be up when you lunge."

Well don't lunge then. Agree with above, definate red for me.

Maybe because Howard played advantage, couldn't go back and send off?

Im still learning though.​

100% Correct. Can't send off after an advantage, you can only go back and caution.​
Just to clarify, you COULD send off after an advantage but you NEVER EVER EVER would! as soon as you think it is a red card offence, you stop the play no matter whether there would be an advantage there or not. that way you can show that you are dealing with a serious offence, prevent any conflict, and dismiss the offender.

Townsend is just fanning these rumours about what the Laws of the game are. i think they should make professional footballers referee a few games early on in their careers, it would really show them how difficult it is and maybe they would have a bit more respect for the men in black afterwards. my motor-mouth on the field has certainly calmed down since I started refereeing!
on a side note, really impressed with Tydlesley here! not many of these so called "experts" have even read the LOTG. definite kudos to him for actually knowing these 'rules' (Laws!).
Townsend is an utter clown and some of the drivel he spouts is beyond. Don Goodman on Sky is another who grates me with some of his comments in relation to fouls.
Yeah, couldn't agree more. He's an idiot, not got a clue. Same as everyone else at ITV. Just wish all football was BBC and Sly Sports!
Now I appreciate that Howard is a very experienced referee and could probably do no wrong but I have two questions:
1. Studs up and foot higher than the ball would be on the ground, is that not excessive force and therefore a red (as most are agreeing).
2. If the incident happened just outside the 18 yrd box, the ball is picked by another player who still has the best part of 25 yards to get to the opposition half and (it appears) have to face four opposition players.......what is the advantage?
You're right Mick, it was a red card tackle. With regards to advantage, am I right in saying you would only ever play advantage after a red card offence if there was an immediate goal-scoring opportunity?
I thought that advantage more about whether the team will keep control of the ball immediately after the challenge, as opposed to whether a chance will develop. If the player loses control whilst in advantage due to their own error then the advantage is over. If it is due to a bobble or another foul, you would stop for a FK. But I could be wrong, I'm fairly inexperienced at this point!!
If you read above I made the same point about playing not advantage after a red card offence. IMO advantage should be gained in the next 3-4 seconds if it is not then I would bring the play back. But like you I'm no expert.
Count to three, if no advantage develops by the time u reach '3', pull it back. If it does, signal and shout 'Advantage' so everyone knows you have seen the foul. Quiet word with the offender at earliest opportunity, card him next time ball out of play if required.

A red card offense, stop it there and then and deal with it - if you don't, it gives the opposition a chance to 'retaliate' and the situation quickly boils over.
But my point is that, in order to play advantage there surely has to be some sort of advantage. I can't really see the advantage in the player with the ball being so far back in his own half with almost half of the opposition to beat.