Kicks from the Penalty Mark to decide a game


Politically Incorrect
Had a tricky one tonight - last middle of the season, cup semi.

1-1 after 90 mins, straight to penalties.

Red team go first - miss.
Next two score, comes to claret to go 2-1 up with two taken.

Player comes over, I note number, tell him to go on the whistle, just like the others.

Turn around to tell claret keeper who is stood behind me to go and stand outside 18 yard area, on the far side where I can see him and ooooossh, claret player has taken his penalty, smashed it about 15 foot over the bar, into the trees.

I blow to order retake as the whistle hadn't been blown, red obviously annoyed but tell them technically he hadn't taken it as whistle hadn't been blown.

Obviously he scores and claret go on to win the shootout 5-4. :oops:

Was retake the right course of action, despite claret gaining a huge advantage?

My understanding was unless whistle was blown technically it never happened...
A&H International
Can't find any guidance notes for KFTPM however personally I would have played on and noted the miss as it is the takers team mate that hasn't respected the distance - miss and it stands - scores and it's retaken

But can't find any notes on this
It was the correct decision. It's stupid - at any kick, you should just be allowed to accept the outcome if it's unfavourable, but it's correct.
It was the correct decision. It's stupid - at any kick, you should just be allowed to accept the outcome if it's unfavourable, but it's correct.
I'd like to agree. Common sense dictates that in the above situation, you accept the penalty if it's saved or goes wide, but order a retake if it goes in, same as the how the correct response to encroachment is dependent on the penalty outcome.

But I agree with the above posters in general as well - by the laws as written, the OP make the correct decision IMO.
It may not have been a correct decision, but it certainly wasn't an incorrect decision...:confused:
It may not have been a correct decision, but it certainly wasn't an incorrect decision...:confused:
By the current laws, he made the correct decision - but I think it would be a good thing if laws were rewritten to allow him to accept the original result if it's bad.

If every other kick is on the whistle then you have to retake any that don't meet that criteria.

Can't understand those saying there is nothing in the laws, there is

• After the players have taken positions in accordance with this Law, the referee signals for the penalty kick to be taken

No signal, then penalty kick is not "valid"
I can't remember ever seeing a penalty taken without a whistle being used a a signal to proceed and I have certainly always whistled for it in my games either in the 90, extra time or in a shoot out.
For me, RegalRef got it spot on.
Have to blow the whistle. Good decision.
Would a caution to the player that took the kick have made you feel better about the "huge advantage" you have to claret? ;)