The Ref Stop

Level 4 fitness test


RefChat Addict
Anyone else get details of the fitness tests today stating both 2600 (on the letter) and 2700 (on the blood pressure card) to be run?!

Cam anyone clear this up?!
The Ref Stop
I imagine they've accidentally attached the L3 blood pressure certificate to the L4 fitness test notifications.

That said, surely 2700m doesn't phase you anyway?
I imagine they've accidentally attached the L3 blood pressure certificate to the L4 fitness test notifications. That said, surely 2700m doesn't phase you anyway?.

I presume so as well...2600m phases me right now after going for a practice run this evening!
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The 12 minute run is as much, if not more, a psychological test as it is a physical test.

At it's base level, for a level 4 you simply need to be able to complete a lap every 1min 50secs to complete the test successfully. However, most people who fail to complete it do so not because they aren't fit enough to complete it but that they couldn't overcome the mind tricks telling you its too hard.

Find a rhythm and a method that works for you as an individual.
I'll pass it. I passed it last year with 3 weeks training after injury, the biggest mistake I made today was forgetting my watch!
Just got the email that it is 2600m...presumed it was a mistake bit nice to have it confirmed
If a number of new Level 4s don't pass the fitness test do they then invite some of the other non-successful 5-4 candidates to replace them?
Anyone else get details of the fitness tests today stating both 2600 (on the letter) and 2700 (on the blood pressure card) to be run?!

Cam anyone clear this up?!
You should've received the correct cards today on another email from Chris Wildey?
Darius and Elliot, please check out the training sessions being run by the number of RAs across the County. Make sure you get along to some of them. The camaraderie at those sessions will help you on test day and when working with your ARs next season.
Darius and Elliot, please check out the training sessions being run by the number of RAs across the County. Make sure you get along to some of them. The camaraderie at those sessions will help you on test day and when working with your ARs next season.

i would if i knew anything about them or where to find out about them!

I've tried in vain to organise regular training sessions when i lived in York, pretty much 2 of us interested, but would be up for going to a regular one in the leeds area
Passing the test is more of a psychological one than a physical one. Once you know you can pass it, you will pass it every time. Especially on test day when you are part of a pack, all rooting for each other and helping each other round.

Of course, you should all know this, as you needed to pass the test before in order to be nominated :)

One of my fondest memories of the test was when one L3 who had spectacular levels of fitness, sprinted ahead on his final lap in order to catch up with someone (i.e. lap them) who was struggling at the back. He then ran with that person to pace them to passing it. That's teamwork.

In terms of training, regular 5k runs at tempo speeds (so you finish and it has been hard work!!) is good. And getting down onto a track and practising it and speed-work sessions.
you're spot on Mew, about the pyschology of knowing you can do it and everyone helping you out and cheering you on on the day.

I know I've done it before and when I was in worse shape than I am now so doing it a week on Sunday shouldn't be a problem. It's just convincing myself I can do it especially after failing by 200m on Thursday
Mr ES add me on Facebook and I'll tag you in the posts. I've seen them, just got work and learning to drive so struggling to make them.

Been training on my own though