Advice please

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Level 7 Referee
Sunday’s Game. U14s
15 mins in and a big shout from Away team for a PK I didn’t give it, play on, away teams 3 coaches go mental and carry on with some verbals, “you don’t know what your doing” “he’s a home ref” blah blah blah. Then one drops the F bomb “you shouldn’t F....ing be on the pitch” so I go over and give them a public dressing down warning them that’s out of order as children present and next time he’s gone. Away team score 2 late 1st half goal (one a pen) 2 - 1 HT

2nd half continues with low level dissent until I’ve had enough, I give one his marching orders, he won’t give me his name, ten mins to get fully rid of him. Other 2 coaches continue to moan publicly/encroaching slightly on FOP.

6 mins into additional time home team score, 20 secs later I blow FT 2 all draw

Queue mass hysteria from away team coaches/parents that I’ve waited for the equaliser then blown.

I stroll over to away team area to ask again for all coaches names, they all claim to not know their own or each other’s name - no biggie I think as misconduct report going in anyway. Then a player calls me a cheat whilst stood next to his coach who sends him away. I ask for his name coach mutters something then says he doesn’t know it.

Now I’m not taking that and consider it worth a red but I decide not to physically show it or say it as I now have an angry group around me and fear it would incite things further poss endangering my safety.

1, I will put a misconduct report in but does it all go in one report?
2, do I/can I record the red as I didn’t show it at the time
3, how do I identify the coaches?
4,I couldn’t identify the player’s number as he had put a bib/hoodie on is this a problem?
5, thanks for reading this far 😀
A&H International
1. No, one report for each offence, althoughit isn't really clear what the exact offences are.

2. Yes, law says that failure to show a red card doesn't negate the offence

3. You don't, leave that to county, but you will have to say what each one did.

4. No, county will ask the club to identify him.
1. Report each offence individually. Even if multiple for the same un named person.

2. Ahhh... Rustys already given all the other answers.
horrible situation to be in.
you do not need to show a card at any point in any game btw, it may be the recognised method of communicating a sanction and its extremely rare not to show the card, but, this is that one time by sounds of it

What I do take out of the story though is, for me, you have put yourself into a horrible situation at the end, you have walked right into the fire, and, got burnt, and it could have been worse. The advice I would give is to shift to the "nicer" team at the end and stay close to folk who look like they can act responsibly, let things die down (they always do), find away team responsible person and I would nicely lay it on the line "now, please tell me who xxxx is/was and the player at the end", if you don't then that's up to you but I have no choice but to include that in the report too"

edit, this is if you are intent on obtaining info, any resistance of refusal and as other posters said, report the facts and move on

I posted yesterday about a nasty incident in my kids game, you need to be street wise and think ahead....
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Its horrible when coaches are like that and its not easy (Especially in a 'park'), but my advice is never take 10 mins to send a coach away.

Its difficult on public park, but if he doesn't go straight away - ask for home team match delegate and just state calmly that said person has to leave immediately or the game will be abandoned. Give him/her 1/2 mins max to get it done , if not then just blow whistle ,go home and get reporting!
On the answers to question 2, surely you have to show a card? You can’t report a red card offence if you haven’t show a red, my local FA have told us repeatedly they aren’t there to ‘re-referee’ a game
On the answers to question 2, surely you have to show a card? You can’t report a red card offence if you haven’t show a red, my local FA have told us repeatedly they aren’t there to ‘re-referee’ a game

Nope, you do not need to show the red. Its the done thing yes but not essential
What you are reporting is the misconduct, reporting it as a red card offence

Yet another extreme analogy for me to use, but, say you start your game and realise that you have no cards.
Player commits red card offence, you inform them they are off,
The cards were introduced by Ken Ashton as a method of communicating your sanction. The offence itself still stands regardless

Also if a player is to be sent off, in say the warm up, you do not show a card (think about it, you prob wont be doing your warm up with full equip in pocket anyway), you simply inform the team that xxx is being reported as a red card offence and he cannot play today (although as we know the team can still start with 11 but cannot add another sub to make up the diff)

I hear that paper stone scissors is the preferred method of communicating a sanction when you realise you have no cards.....
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Just one thought - you mentioned it took 10 minutes to get rid of the coach the first time.
Was the coach refusing to leave? If so, threaten abandonment - and be prepared to back it up.

I'd even go so far as to look at my watch and tell him that the match will be abandoned in 60 seconds if he isn't in the carpark. Walk back onto the field and wait patiently without engaging further. Follow through with the thread.

Taking 10 minutes, he's undermined your authority severely and there's no way you can get that back.
2. Yes, law says that failure to show a red card doesn't negate the offence
I don't think the law says that.
A red card is used to communicate a sending off. If you have not shown the red card but communicated the sending off by other means then you can still record it as a send off/red card. If you have not communicated it, then the offence has still been committed and you must still report it but not as a send off report. I believe you use misconduct reports (we use incident reports). In it explain why you did not use a red card and send the player off.

All administrative formalities.
Thanks for all the advise chaps, initially the binned coach said he ain’t going anywhere, I replied that the game ain’t restarting until he does, so he reluctantly trotted across the pitch and stood with the parents pitchside, I followed him over and told him to keep going and stood there patiently until he was out of sight. I felt the extra time it took was worth it as it would have been harsh on the home team to chalk the game off.

Ironically it was “Silent Sunday” a league initiative for this weekend only where coaches/parents were asked to say nothing pitchside to allow the kids to play without pressure and make their own decisions.

Do we have a concensus on weather to report the red card as offinabus using the name I think I heard him mumble or a misconduct report explaining the situation?

Also, anyone else want to admit to having had a big internal smile when the well behaved team scores to rescue a point? 😉
I think I had maybe a handful in 500+ games go completely south, I caused 1 or 2 myself i'm sure. you have to learn from all these games, self reflect, what went right, what went wrong, could i have done something different or were you just the babysitter for 22 idiots and a few idiot managers!!
Do we have a concensus on weather to report the red card as offinabus using the name I think I heard him mumble or a misconduct report explaining the situation?
Report it exactly as it happened. If he is given a suspension and he appeals it there would be witnesses left right and centre that you never sent the player off. And if you are asked to attend a hearing or just an email if you sent the player off, the answer is no. The appeal will stand because the suspension was based in incorrect information.

The question is not about if there was an offence punishable by a send off, it's about if you sent him off.
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