Burnley Newcastle

santa sangria

RefChat Addict
39th min - Anthony Taylor in the middle. A nice little microcosm of everything that is wrong with the handling of dissent on TV that makes football such a mess lower down the pyramid.

No dissent of note up until this point, unless you count Rafa trying to educate AR1 that the whole ball has to be out for a throw in!

Anyway, 39th min, Kennedy is not happy about a throw in decision, complains, then shakes an arm/fist, then clearly says "filho da puta" at Taylor.

Just the arm gesture is enough for a yellow card depending on the context. The language makes it an easy yellow. To do absolutely nothing is criminal.

Any grassroots/amateur league referees watching... this is exactly that first dissent in a game moment. If you do nothing, you will be on the back foot and be made to pay. You've already lost. If you really can't justify the YC at least stop the game and give the player both barrels and a very clear warning that the whole family can understand.
A&H International
I am not watching it but from what you read, indeed.

You actually sometimes wait for a gift like this, a real chance to put down your marker and say no way....(whether that be a card or a warning), so to pass up on that gift is futile.
72nd minute Taylor sees a foul, signals advantage, Burnley have the ball, then he whistles, brings it back, no card... what?

In the first half he was whistle shy - like gesturing that that both players pulled and fouled each other, as if that's an excuse not to blow - so maybe he's making up for it.

Overall passive and heading for an 8,1...
Sorry to read that the ref assessor for this game collapsed in the tunnel before the game, hence the 30 minute late kick off.
Hope he is OK.
Good to know he is OK. Not sure what role he was there in, they don't have observers on Premier League games, he wasn't the delegate, and wasn't the referee coach.