U20 Game


Well-Known Member
Well, I had a quite challenging match yesterday. White team sitting at second last on the table with only one point and having just lost a game few days ago 18-0 (Yep that actually happened). Blue team somewhere on mid-table (5th-6th place).

First half went without any major situations, two yellows, both for reckless challenges. Underdogs (white team) leading 2-1 thought.

At the second half things started to get a little more interesting. On 55' I had to give a penalty to blue, after white player committed a reckless challenge on his pa. No major complaints from anyone.

On 62' minute white player is dribbling through blue players and things he got fouled. He starts complaining and for a while play continues around me, while I'm trying to calm him down. Well eventually after few seconds the ball hits me after concentrating more on the complaining player than to the game itself. From that he lost his mind and swung his arms out shouting some not so nice words to me. I was left without no other option than to give IDFK to blue and give him his second yellow (later turns out he was the son of one of the couches).

After that the play continues until 68' minute. Blue goalkeeper commits a rather orange tackle outside he's pa (not DOGSO tough). I opted for a yellow card, allthought thinking back to it it probably should have been a red. Well after issuing the yellow white bench goes mad. The head coach of white team runs into the pitch, shouting to me. He gets immediately dismissed, but continues his aggressive behavior towards me and my AR for about a minute, until he finally left the pitch. Eventually the situation calmed down and the benches calmed as well.

After the incident the game started to boil a bit, and in the next 8 minutes I had to issue three yellows and couple of firm talking to's to the players. After all I managed to get the game calmed down and back under my control (which I'm pretty happy about, the game had all ingredients to became really nasty but didn't).

In the last 25 minutes there wasn't anything major, few fouls here or there but the game returned calm

Game ended with 8 cautions, one red (second yellow) and one coach dismissal.

After the game coach from white team comes to complain, and tells he's gonna appeal the second yellow from dissent to his player because he "didn't say anything", which A) isn't true and B) doesn't matter because in the end I gave him the caution for "dissent by action. Funniest thing is they are trying to use a video to prove that he "didn't say anything":D

Overall the game wasn't too difficult with 4 crucial scenes to evaluate (3 penalty situations, one given and the yellow/red situation), but certainly there was a possibility for a reaally nasty ending. But in the end I'm pretty happy with my performance apart from the yellow/red situation (on which my AR1 who was about 10 m from the incident, said that the decision was supportable).
A&H International
Good evaluation.

How can I type this without someone instantly answering back "you cant even things up" ???? !!!

Ok I will try, given its only really you that can give us insight as to the game, do you with hindsight think that had you dismissed the gk for the orange card, things might have been killed stone dead?

repeat, am no way saying or advocating evening things up, but, maybe would have been best suited to this occasion???

In no way should we go looking to even things up, that said, if the chance is presented to us on a plate???
Good evaluation.

How can I type this without someone instantly answering back "you cant even things up" ???? !!!

Ok I will try, given its only really you that can give us insight as to the game, do you with hindsight think that had you dismissed the gk for the orange card, things might have been killed stone dead?

repeat, am no way saying or advocating evening things up, but, maybe would have been best suited to this occasion???

In no way should we go looking to even things up, that said, if the chance is presented to us on a plate???
Its not about evening it up.

The FA here have told us that if you think a challenge is "orange" then it should be red.
Its not about evening it up.

The FA here have told us that if you think a challenge is "orange" then it should be red.
The last thing I'd expect an FA to say. Unless it's one of those things that "do what I secretly want you to do NOT what I publicly tell you to do".
The FA here have told us that if you think a challenge is "orange" then it should be red.


Closest advice to that I've heard is "If you have to think about it, it's at least a caution."

Closest advice to that I've heard is "If you have to think about it, it's at least a caution."

My countries top man had in his prematch for years, orange means red
This did result in a spate of, well, orange tackles (which he went red for), being very publically examined.
Surely it should be "if you're not sure DON'T go red"?

The thinking behind going red is/was, you dont want to take chances and leave someone on who should be off....

Looks double bad if you go yellow for (potential) SFP/bad tackle....when you are orange and its proven afterwards to be red..and he of course scores the winner when he should not be on the pitch
The thinking behind going red is/was, you dont want to take chances and leave someone on who should be off....
Fair point. I'd like to be 100% to make the biggest decision I have to make though.

What's better: A missed dismissal or a wrong dismissal? Suppose they're equally bad.
For those asking this was the message delivered in the 5-4 promotion seminar 2 years ago. The basis being there is no orange. There is reckless (yellow) or red (excessive force) and if something makes you think its a little more than yellow then there can only be one outcome.
For those asking this was the message delivered in the 5-4 promotion seminar 2 years ago. The basis being there is no orange. There is reckless (yellow) or red (excessive force) and if something makes you think its a little more than yellow then there can only be one outcome.
Yet if you wade through all the UEFA video scenarios, the offences are graded 1 to 10, with 4,5,6 yellow 7,8 decidedly orange and 9,10 red
Worrying about a missed dismissal is more than offset by the risk of wrongful dismissal. Acting as Judge Dredd (a.k.a. the ref), I want to be satisfied that a player is guilty of an offence before I sanction it. To slightly lean the other way is not consistent with our way of life
Yet if you wade through all the UEFA video scenarios, the offences are graded 1 to 10, with 4,5,6 yellow 7,8 decidedly orange and 9,10 red
Worrying about a missed dismissal is more than offset by the risk of wrongful dismissal. Acting as Judge Dredd (a.k.a. the ref), I want to be satisfied that a player is guilty of an offence before I sanction it. To slightly lean the other way is not consistent with our way of life
I am just the messenger. To add more context. We were reviewing clips from semi proffessional games and the discussion was around expectation at that level so that message might not neccessarily ring true for games further down the pyramid. And the message was given in response to someone calling a foul as "orange".
I am just the messenger. To add more context. We were reviewing clips from semi proffessional games and the discussion was around expectation at that level so that message might not neccessarily ring true for games further down the pyramid. And the message was given in response to someone calling a foul as "orange".
I understand. It wouldn't surprise me however, if this was just the personal view of the host
I translate 'orange' as 'not sure'
I'm betting a fist full of Yellow yields better performances over the course of a season, than a clutch of doubtful reds
I understand. It wouldn't surprise me however, if this was just the personal view of the host
I translate 'orange' as 'not sure'
I'm betting a fist full of Yellow yields better performances over the course of a season, than a clutch of doubtful reds
He is the national referee development manager so his opinion carries significant weight