Aberdeen v Rangers


RefChat Addict
Not actually play related this one but was in stands and was watching the officials as well as the match....

I was on the side of the assistant who had to not only have Aberdeen fans on his back, but all the Rangers one too...

Just before half time, just as keeper played a free kick from the edge of his area, he called a steward to him from beside the pitch and told him something before the steward sat back down in his position.
This seemed rather odd and actually put him out of position for a split second.
This same assistant flagged (agitated flag) and then clearly said "throw" to the bemused referee. He signalled it had gone out and out flag straight back down. No indication of direction. Once referee (incorrectly by the way) signalled a Rangers throw in, you'd expect the assistant to flag/signal too, but no, he kept the flag down. I counted 5 foul (and really awful) foul throws his line too. Nothing done about it. These were awful even for an U12.
Referee actually gave a foul throw far side to me in front of benches midway through second half for something (was a foul throw mind) that was less obvious than these.
Talking on throw ins still, he ensured Aberdeen took theirs within a couple of yards of where the ball left the FOP, but not once stopped Rangers walking 15 yards on some further upheld.

Cautions were all correct. First viewing (and only), though, of the caution for simulation by Aberdeen looked like a clear penalty. Reports say it was a dive but for me it was a penalty and that was my only view so far.
Rangers got away with time wasting and fouls and not once caution.

1 minute added time in second half (only 1 sub made) whilst on several occasions the ball for free kicks was up next to the Rangers keeper who refused to collect and return thus making a player run 20 yards and more to get it to speed play up.
I'd have added the time on for this as for me it is not in the spirit of the game the actions taken by the keeper.

Route one football by Aberdeen and a mediocre performance by Rangers.
On that showing, Rangers would struggle in the English Championship! Aberdeen would struggle against a few League 1 sides.
A&H International
Never saw it but, game appears to have passed without incident (on the pitch at least) and given the controversy in all? the other games between these two this season, if the over view is a few throws where not exactly in the correct place then job well done by the officials.

Again, I did not see it, but you will find (not saying its right or wrong) experienced refs at 1-1 at a cup tie which goes to a replay, (in such a high risk game) will add on minimal time, rather than *risk* something major game changing on 94 mins.
Never saw it but, game appears to have passed without incident (on the pitch at least) and given the controversy in all? the other games between these two this season, if the over view is a few throws where not exactly in the correct place then job well done by the officials.

Again, I did not see it, but you will find (not saying its right or wrong) experienced refs at 1-1 at a cup tie which goes to a replay, (in such a high risk game) will add on minimal time, rather than *risk* something major game changing on 94 mins.

There was a flashpoint, involving all but about 2 or 3 players, quickly diffused, and no cards issued despite a player ending up on the floor.
Other than this, and the blatant wasting of time, only 1 sub. Didn't expect more than 2, but was slightly shocked at just a minimum of 1.
1 penalty given, 2 cautions for dives, but nothing else of note.

He didn't have a bad game. I had no complaints on the actual man in the middle, except the throw ins and maybe, just maybe, his signalling (I thought he gave a throw in (near corner, every one stood and couldn't see clearly) but it was a corner. His arm was very relaxed, bent at elbow and looked like he didn't care.
But as you said, if that's my only faults with him he didn't do a bad job.
It was more the assistant official my side that got me with his actions.
I’d love to see an old firm game but my entire life I’ve only seen 10 minutes of Falkirk v somebody at the Old Mecca of Scottish football Brockville...it was heaven for some! ⚔️😂⚔️
TBF it reminded me of SUFC in Div 4 in 1982, some proper old school grounds... bags of character though not like these modern tin boxes!