Team check


Well-Known Member
Ok under 11-13s youth football ! What kit checks and pre match talks should we give as some coaches seem to like me giving a talk and kit check and some I feel get the hump that I’m asking an 11 year old if he is wearing jewellery or a watch I also talk about I will not stop for laces thoughts would be good advice on this
A&H International
Never done talks. Think I did one in my first final but never again and never will.
They are just kids who want to play football.
Kit checks were easy in my old Juniour league as the two teams had to swap registrations and confirm players against photo ids so that was an ideal time to check them as they were lined up for that.
Any reason you won't stop for laces?
Never done talks. Think I did one in my first final but never again and never will.
They are just kids who want to play football.
Kit checks were easy in my old Juniour league as the two teams had to swap registrations and confirm players against photo ids so that was an ideal time to check them as they were lined up for that.
Any reason you won't stop for laces?
Laces !! Stop stating the game when it’s in full play for laces ????? Can a twelve year old not do he’s laces properly ? They do for school ! Perhaps in being a bit harsh and that could be my problem ?
Laces !! Stop stating the game when it’s in full play for laces ????? Can a twelve year old not do he’s laces properly ? They do for school ! Perhaps in being a bit harsh and that could be my problem ?
I wouldn't stop whilst ball in play. But I'd certainly hold the game up a few seconds to allow a player to safely correct his equipment (at that age group).
If it was repeatedly happening then perhaps I'd make a point and start asking players to leave but I wouldn't be making that my starting point with teams.

Remember it's about safety and enjoyment at that age group and level. How often are you dealing with laces that you have had to start making a point of it?
Keep it brief. I've learned that players, at any age or level, aren't interested in a big pre match speech or lecture from the referee. Check the basics such as boots, shin guards, spectacles and any obvious jewellery. I usually add that they're big enough to know what they can and can't wear and if I notice anything else during the game I'll be asking them to leave the field to remove it. Finish on a simple positive like 'have a good game'.
I just check the players are in order while I'm warming up.
I always stop play for laces when the ball has gone dead, i sometime help the players do their laces if they are struggling or taking excessive time in doing so, the last thing you want is a player taking a tumble because they didn't get a chance to tie them.
I generally do if asked but only if/when the ball is out of play.

If it's happened more than once, then (when the ball is out of play) I'll often simply turn to all the players on the field and say something like:

"Okay guys and girls, can you all now stop and check that your laces are done up properly because I can't keep holding up play for it okay?"

That then gives me my get-out clause the next time a player says "Ref - my laces etc". :)
I've never done a team briefing, except at contrib when it was mandatory for captains and managers to come into the referee's changing room at team sheets exchange (and even then I barely said anything). Saying too much is doing nothing other than setting yourself up for a fall.
I always stop for laces. It’s one of the easiest ways for a player to get upset with you by refusing to hold up a restart for all of about 10 seconds
Ok under 11-13s youth football ! What kit checks and pre match talks should we give as some coaches seem to like me giving a talk and kit check and some I feel get the hump that I’m asking an 11 year old if he is wearing jewellery or a watch I also talk about I will not stop for laces thoughts would be good advice on this

With the younger kids, while dealing with jewelry I often ask about wedding rings as a joke that often gets rolled eyes or giggles. But as far as talks, they aren't listening, so don't waste your breath. The only caveat I put on that is that I will either remind teams or remind captains to remind their teams, that the AR flags are for me, not them, and they should keep playing until there is a whistle. Frankly, I don't really expect them to remember, but if I get a bad flag that I wave down and they stop, it means I can say that we talked about that before the game.

I always stop for laces. It’s one of the easiest ways for a player to get upset with you by refusing to hold up a restart for all of about 10 seconds
With the younger players, if have to hold up a second time, I'll do the "OK, everybody check your laces this time!" I'll also tell players, at any age, if I undone laces.
Never been one for pre match talks, stuff will just get held against you and nobody is listening. Had alot of refs do pre match talks whilst playing football over the last 30 years and nobody is listening. Well, players probably do listen but just don't care, they're there to win the game not appease the referee. I say a couple of sentences to the skippers at coin toss and thats it, and that's very brief.

Laces at 11 years old, just let them do it when the ball is out of play. It's a game (no league tables at that age in the UK I believe) and we're not teachers. Don't go making an issue out of minor things,just add some time on.
Never been one for pre match talks, stuff will just get held against you and nobody is listening. Had alot of refs do pre match talks whilst playing football over the last 30 years and nobody is listening. Well, players probably do listen but just don't care, they're there to win the game not appease the referee. I say a couple of sentences to the skippers at coin toss and thats it, and that's very brief.

Laces at 11 years old, just let them do it when the ball is out of play. It's a game (no league tables at that age in the UK I believe) and we're not teachers. Don't go making an issue out of minor things,just add some time on.
I'm now at the point where I'm only saying, "let's crack on, we'll find out about each other after KO". Honestly, that's it. You have to say something, so that's as brief as I can think of without being rude and getting off to a bad start