

Level 5 Referee
Has anyone got any tips for positioning when play is in the middle? I feel like I get in the way and caught up in play way too much when the ball is in the centre circle in particular.
A&H International
As a rule of thumb play the floor is lava in the centre circle. Dont hang around in there too long...
I have a rule to never be walking or standing still in the centre circle and always be looking to get out of it when I'm in it.
Aim to be around 10 metres from active play, with a view of the ball and your active assistant. Do that, and you won't be in the way. Avoid going into the centre circle whenever possible.
Try to avoid running through the centre circle, that will naturally move you wide and keep you out of that congested central area.
then, wider

what you see head down, down barrel of gun, is very different to what you see with an angle
With the play focussed around the centre of the pitch I’d be aiming to come wide to the left.
This allows you to keep out of the way, have a good view of everything in the centre and you have your assistant in view on the opposite touchline.

If play then goes right you can drift infield but still be left of the play. If play comes out left then make a sort of loop around so you’re not in the way.

10-15yards is the optimum distance to aim for but try and pick up on play styles and tell tale signs of the next action.
E.G if the player has the ball at tue back and puts his head down, he’s likely to hoof it upfield so that’s your cue to get on the move before he’s kicked it and be ready for the drop zone.
Consistent with the above, when the ball is in the middle, think of where you need to be next--which will typically getting wider toward the attacking end
to add, its obviously easier with experience but i also folllow James game, and stay out the centre circle ( apart when 100% needed obv)
If i find myselfin it, i quickly get out it
it keeps me on my toes, and hopefully gives me a good distance from play without being too far, gives me a measure of where to be
As a rule of thumb play the floor is lava in the centre circle. Dont hang around in there too long...
I have a rule to never be walking or standing still in the centre circle and always be looking to get out of it when I'm in it.
I like the idea of thinking of lava in the centre circle 😏