First Observation as AR


Well-Known Member
Level 5 Referee
So tomorrow and Saturday the referees in the middle are being observed- I believe this means that I will be observed as well along with the referee? The first one tomorrow is u23 county level and the Saturday is county premier division.

Does anyone have any tips or advice?

Thank you
A&H International
So tomorrow and Saturday the referees in the middle are being observed- I believe this means that I will be observed as well along with the referee? The first one tomorrow is u23 county level and the Saturday is county premier division.

Does anyone have any tips or advice?

Thank you
1. Listen to the referee briefing and do it the way he / she wants it done
2. Work hard
3. Enjoy it
4. Don't worry - at that level the observer is really there to see the referee. You might get a couple of helpful pointers, but nothing bad is going to happen
1. Listen to the referee briefing and do it the way he / she wants it done
2. Work hard
3. Enjoy it
4. Don't worry - at that level the observer is really there to see the referee. You might get a couple of helpful pointers, but nothing bad is going to happen
Thank you for the tips! I’ve got one tonight which hopefully will go well, giving confidence for Friday and Saturday!
You won't be formally observed, the referee is presumably going 5 to 4 and there is no AR observation at that level. Observing the AR only comes in at supply league. He might give you some informal feedback though.
1. Listen to the referee briefing and do it the way he / she wants it done
2. Work hard
3. Enjoy it
4. Don't worry - at that level the observer is really there to see the referee. You might get a couple of helpful pointers, but nothing bad is going to happen

you forgot

It looks like the Saturday game is supply level, so this will be more formal, including ARs. It’s nothing to worry about. He’s there to watch the referee mostly, as others have said, although if you’re new at that level he may sit near you to keep an eye on how you do. This is more for support than anything else. You will get useful feedback.

As Anubis says, if you’re not sure ask, but wait until he’s finished the briefing before doing so. I had one supply league observation where one of the NARs took over and kept butting in during the team talk. Then his phone went and he answered it! Teamwork went out the window and he struggled to finish the briefing. The game was challenging because he lost the thread and didn’t cover everything and then there was a mass confrontation.

Most importantly, don’t sweat it and enjoy the game.
You won't be formally observed, the referee is presumably going 5 to 4 and there is no AR observation at that level. Observing the AR only comes in at supply league. He might give you some informal feedback though.
Great, thank you
It looks like the Saturday game is supply level, so this will be more formal, including ARs. It’s nothing to worry about. He’s there to watch the referee mostly, as others have said, although if you’re new at that level he may sit near you to keep an eye on how you do. This is more for support than anything else. You will get useful feedback.

As Anubis says, if you’re not sure ask, but wait until he’s finished the briefing before doing so. I had one supply league observation where one of the NARs took over and kept butting in during the team talk. Then his phone went and he answered it! Teamwork went out the window and he struggled to finish the briefing. The game was challenging because he lost the thread and didn’t cover everything and then there was a mass confrontation.

Most importantly, don’t sweat it and enjoy the game.
Yes, it’s supply level. That’s great stuff, thank you. I’ll make sure to have my phone on silent!!
You won't be formally observed, the referee is presumably going 5 to 4 and there is no AR observation at that level. Observing the AR only comes in at supply league. He might give you some informal feedback though.
I had to have a full debrief on mine but I’m also doing women pathway which needs 2 AR games so might be why had 2 observation in a week a middle yesterday as well.