Half yellow card?


Well-Known Member
Level 5 Referee
I was watching an isthmian game last Saturday and the home dugout were getting a little noisy. Nothing bad. The referee stopped play when the ball was out and walked over and half took his yellow card out of his pocket. He did it and pointed at it. Basically as if to ‘threaten’ them with a yellow.
Then told them to stop and he walked away and carried on with the game.

I was standing near where the subs were warming up and they all started laughing about how the referee threatened their manager with a yellow.

I have to say, I don’t think I’ve seen that before. Where a referee half takes his yellow card out of his pocket.

Is this normal? Would anyone recommend this? Was this right?
A&H International
I was watching an isthmian game last Saturday and the home dugout were getting a little noisy. Nothing bad. The referee stopped play when the ball was out and walked over and half took his yellow card out of his pocket. He did it and pointed at it. Basically as if to ‘threaten’ them with a yellow.
Then told them to stop and he walked away and carried on with the game.

I was standing near where the subs were warming up and they all started laughing about how the referee threatened their manager with a yellow.

I have to say, I don’t think I’ve seen that before. Where a referee half takes his yellow card out of his pocket.

Is this normal? Would anyone recommend this? Was this right?
I've been known to put my hand in my pocket as a final ultimatum when the "conversation" really isn't going well.
That said if it comes out that means someone is being cautioned otherwise creating unnecessary confusion
Don't agree with showing any part of the card without using it. But putting hand in pocket can work effectively depending on the circumstance.

A few years ago I refereed a team regularly with a player known for being in referee's ear all game. Lovely guy. He always asked me before the game not to caution him because he can't help it. Late in a game l waved away a penalty shout from his team and immidiately looked to see where he was. Sure enough he was running towards me eyeballing me. I put my hand in my pocket as he was looking. He stopped and turned away. This was the first time I had done it and found that it could work. I must add had he continued his run and had a go at me I would have used the card.
Thanks all. It did look a bit bizzare. He pulled the card half way out of his pocket and pointed at someone in the home dugout. Then went and spoke with them for about 10 seconds. I had just never really seen it before.