Crap First Sunday Back!


Active Member
First Sunday game as a 5, was hoping the higher level would mean less grief!

Minute 2. Orange player passes it straight at me, step over but get a touch on the ball, goes to an orange player so no change in possession, play on - cue all and sundry having a go.

Minute 4, maybe? White wins the ball but his follow-throw wipes orange out. Free kick, and here I make my biggest mistake, gobby manager screams at me from the touchline calling me a ***** - I should have chucked him then.

Minute 7 or so, white breaking away with orange side-by-side, I'm behind so not in the ideal position, an arm comes across from orange but there's nothing I'd call a push, nothing doing. Of course, that causes blooming panedmonium as well! White players up in my face waving arms screaming for a penalty, should have binned two players.

Minute 11. I can't even remember what causes this, but something causes the home manager to take exception and runs on the pitch screaming and tries to fly-kick orange player #6. Red card (I've obviously remembered where I've put them!) and there's a five minute argument about him being allowed to stay as it's a public park. I tell the teams I'm not carrying on with him anywhere near the pitch so he can go to the clubhouse or we can abandon the match. IN the end, we get on with it and he takes his medicine and vanishes.

Minute 80. 5-1 white, not even a competition, white player through and somehow rounds the keeper and hits the post from two yards out. Goalkeeper gets up and pushes him over, and unaccountably, I don't give the easiest penalty I'll ever have to give. I've got this weird hesitation when people are shouting at me to give a decision that, if I give it, I'll appear to have been influenced even if I already know the correct decision - in a more competitive game this would have been a disaster, I just can't wrap my head around it.

Probably the worst performance I've had in two years. Next week I'm off for training with the national team of my martial art, and frankly I think I'll get less stick being beaten up there by people stronger and fitter than me than I will doing another game like that.
A&H International
We learn a lot from our poor performances and particularly from our responses to them. The fact that the game bothers you is a good thing - it means you care and are capable of honest self assessment and reflection. You have thought carefully about what you might have done differently and will no doubt be a better referee for the experience. We tend to be our harshest critics so things probably didn’t go quite as bad as they seem. In good news, next week is another game and there is a whole shiny season in front of you. Maybe you got the bad one out of the way early… chin up buckaroo and back on the horse.
Minute 80. 5-1 white, not even a competition, white player through and somehow rounds the keeper and hits the post from two yards out. Goalkeeper gets up and pushes him over, and unaccountably, I don't give the easiest penalty I'll ever have to give. I've got this weird hesitation when people are shouting at me to give a decision that, if I give it, I'll appear to have been influenced even if I already know the correct decision - in a more competitive game this would have been a disaster, I just can't wrap my head around it.
Happens to everyone and I totally get that feeling when you have bottled one card and it's like they're glued to the inside of your pocket for the rest of the game.

On the incident I am replying to I get the opposite, where I am probably a bit influenced by players, trick is to not overthink it where you can. I am quite good at blotting out the noise, not great if you want to have ears out for OFFINABUS/dissent/benches shouting to make a sub but can really help with decision making. End of the day, take a moment and think, then make the call. Who gives a **** whether they think you're influenced, if they cross the line they can get a sin bin/yellow and think about it!
Minute 11. I can't even remember what causes this, but something causes the home manager to take exception and runs on the pitch screaming and tries to fly-kick orange player #6. Red card (I've obviously remembered where I've put them!) and there's a five minute argument about him being allowed to stay as it's a public park. I tell the teams I'm not carrying on with him anywhere near the pitch so he can go to the clubhouse or we can abandon the match. IN the end, we get on with it and he takes his medicine and vanishes.
If it takes 5 minutes of negotiation to resolve this, you should be have abandoned well before that time.

It should be "he goes or we go, there is no other option", given that he attempted an assault on a player.
One suggestion I’ve been given on this is to tell the coach (or the new acting coach) the person has one minute or the game is abandoned. Take the ball and move to the center circle (with ARs if you have them) and wait. Getting yourself away can help let social pressure build.
We all have OneOfThem™ every now and then, and it’s a good place here to come and get it off your chest, bounce ideas off colleagues, reflect and take something into the next match.

How are you dealing with early dissent? Did you come into the game slightly out of “game mode” because of your pre-match assumptions?

From your answers, take that into next weekend. Bear in mind that between minutes 11 and 80, that you may have had it back under control (as per OP)

Onwards and upwards.
If it takes 5 minutes of negotiation to resolve this, you should be have abandoned well before that time.

It should be "he goes or we go, there is no other option", given that he attempted an assault on a player.
Agree, that should be a very quick discussion. Either he goes or the game is abandoned, give them 10 seconds to deal with it. If that doesn't work give a final warning with another 10 second deadline, if they aren't complying walk away. Needs to be a very clear "he goes or I / we go, it isn't open to debate" statement.
First Sunday game as a 5, was hoping the higher level would mean less grief!

Minute 2. Orange player passes it straight at me, step over but get a touch on the ball, goes to an orange player so no change in possession, play on - cue all and sundry having a go.

Minute 4, maybe? White wins the ball but his follow-throw wipes orange out. Free kick, and here I make my biggest mistake, gobby manager screams at me from the touchline calling me a ***** - I should have chucked him then.

Minute 7 or so, white breaking away with orange side-by-side, I'm behind so not in the ideal position, an arm comes across from orange but there's nothing I'd call a push, nothing doing. Of course, that causes blooming panedmonium as well! White players up in my face waving arms screaming for a penalty, should have binned two players.

Minute 11. I can't even remember what causes this, but something causes the home manager to take exception and runs on the pitch screaming and tries to fly-kick orange player #6. Red card (I've obviously remembered where I've put them!) and there's a five minute argument about him being allowed to stay as it's a public park. I tell the teams I'm not carrying on with him anywhere near the pitch so he can go to the clubhouse or we can abandon the match. IN the end, we get on with it and he takes his medicine and vanishes.

Minute 80. 5-1 white, not even a competition, white player through and somehow rounds the keeper and hits the post from two yards out. Goalkeeper gets up and pushes him over, and unaccountably, I don't give the easiest penalty I'll ever have to give. I've got this weird hesitation when people are shouting at me to give a decision that, if I give it, I'll appear to have been influenced even if I already know the correct decision - in a more competitive game this would have been a disaster, I just can't wrap my head around it.

Probably the worst performance I've had in two years. Next week I'm off for training with the national team of my martial art, and frankly I think I'll get less stick being beaten up there by people stronger and fitter than me than I will doing another game like that.
What a nightmare! I'd see it as a low benchmark and hope every other game if the season will be better than this one. It sounds like it was 90%s stress from the players which brought out some decisions that you regret but didn't affect the outcome of the game.